A Collage of Music ~ Win a Music Care Package!

It's the very last day of The 10 Days of Teaching Music. It's been so much fun and I've met so many new readers! Best of all, I'm inspired to incorporate MORE music in our homeschool!
To say the past two weeks have been busy is an understatement. I have loved every minute of The 10 Days of Teaching Music! Being a part of the iHomeschool Network has blessed me in so many ways ~ I hope you've had a chance to visit some of the other 10 Days bloggers.
Today's edition of Collage Friday gives YOU (if you choose to link up!) a chance to win a musical care package from me. I will include a book and CD my children and I adore and some other goodies. Please don't worry about creating a formal collage. I know that Photobucket has removed its Fotoflexer collage feature and that makes it hard to incorporate collages. I have been using different apps on my iPhone and iPad to make the collages.
This giveaway of the musical care package will end Monday, April 30th at Midnight!
Before I get to the recap of my series, I'll just share one quick collage of this past week. Miss B and I went to the Passages exhibit here in Atlanta. It was WONDERFUL! We learned so much about the history of the Bible. We also had a great time going with friends from church.
Last weekend my husband took me out to dinner at The Redneck Gourmet and then to a great concert. I had to chuckle at our "fancy" night out with the jar of Moon Pies on the counter.
The picture of Gman symbolizes the long couple of weeks he has had: Walking Pneumonia is no fun, that's for sure. After running a fever for about seven days off and on we visited the doctor and got the diagnosis. I'm hoping he gets to feeling better VERY soon.
The 10 Day of Teaching Music genuinely reignited my passion for teaching music. In this collage you can see four of the posts, and here are the links:
A Simple Way to Incorporate Music - SQUILT Download
Non Stress Musical Learning - The Maestro Classics GIVEAWAY ENDS FRIDAY (4/27 at midnight!)
Let's Sing: Creating a Repertoire/Download
Interest Led Music Study ~ John Williams Notebooking Download
Learning to Hear in a Noisy World ( DVD set GIVEAWAY ENDS FRIDAY, 4/27 at MIDNIGHT!)
Don't you love the picture of me... I got my hair cut this week and I took the time to straighten my VERY curly hair. I'm also smiling so you know how much I enjoyed writing the 10 Days series!
My last post, which I happen to love the most because I just love books was
Wow.... look at the past two weeks of music here at Homegrown Learners. I had so much fun!
Day 2: A Simple Way to Incorporate Music - SQUILT Notebooking Download
Day 4: Learning to Hear in a Noisy World - Exploring America's Musical Heritage DVD set giveaway
Day 5: What About Piano Lessons?
Day 6: Interest Led Music Study ~ Notebooking Download
Day 7: Non Stress Musical Learning ~ Maestro Classics Giveaway
Now it's your turn to link your collage from the past week! Please include the button from my sidebar, or link back to this post somewhere in your blog post!

The 10 Days Series is organized by iHomeschool Network, a collaboration of outstanding homeschool bloggers who connect with each other and with family-friendly companies in mutually beneficial projects. Visit us on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. And of course, visit all the 10 Days posts from these homeschool moms of the iHomeschool Network. You'll be blessed with tips on how to handle bad days, cultivating curiosity, teaching with Legos, and much much more!

Reader Comments (7)
He who sings scares away his woes! Amen! Mary, this is a wonderfully inspiring series and I love today's visual of your posts. I appreciate how you convey the pure joy of teaching music. Thank you!
What a great 2 weeks Mary. Thank you for this, I have learned so much about music! I also snagged so many resources from it.
The Moon Pie jar cracked me up. Should of had some RC Cola next to it. Wonder how many people see that and think..."HUH?" :)
Thank you - I have not had a chance to do more than scan some of your posts but your series is one of the ones I definitely want to go back through and read every word. I love music but don't incorporate it much into our homeschool. (Not for lack of want-to but through lack of action!) I've wanted to invest in some Maestro Classics cds for several years now and haven't made it happen, either. They look great!
I really enjoyed your series, Mary! The boys take piano lessons, but we have not delved into music more than that in our homeschool yet. I hope to take some of your ideas/resources and incorporate them next year :)
Oh, I so want to see the Passages exhibit! I should put that on our calendar soon. Thanks again for all your inspirational words about music this week!
I'm trying to incorporate more music into our daily's so important, but I believed we've overlooked that importance! We did go to a musical performance last night though- it's a start.
And I love the photo of you with your 'do! It looks good straight, but I like it curly too:) I've always had super straight hair and dreamed of curls. Isn't that how it always goes?!
This has been a great series Mary :)
I hope that GMan is feeling SO much better by now, and that you've been enjoying your weekend!
I agree with Jenn about your hairdo. I need to get a cut soon, but I always put it off for so long...