Interest Led Music Study ~ Notebooking Download

Wow.... five days of the 10 Days of Teaching Music have passed. Have you enjoyed the other 10 Days posts by my fellow bloggers in the iHomeschool Network? I have been overwhelmed with the amount of ideas and creativity circulating in the blogosphere this past week!
I have to admit... I think today's topic is probably my favorite, just because we've all been enjoying it so much these past few weeks.
Currently, there is a Star Wars obsession in my house.
{There is also a LEGO obsession, which is being fueled by The 10 Days of Teaching With Legos! }
My son is CONSTANTLY humming the music. I have heard from other moms of boys this age that they do the exact same thing.
Why not put this obsession to good use?
And guess what? My ten year old (who is obsessed with Harry Potter) loves this study, too! Our whole family loves John Williams. He is perhaps the most prolific composer of our generation.
We have been learning about John Williams, the composer of the Star Wars film score. He is also the composer of MANY other film scores (such as E.T., Harry Potter, Raiders of the Lost Ark... the list goes on an on!).
The piece I chose for us to analyze was The Imperial March, from Star Wars. This interview with John Williams about the music is very interesting.
Why not create a John Williams Pandora Station?
How about search for John Williams on YouTube?
If you use Spotify, all of his music is at your fingertips!
Start doing some research online about John Williams.
{ Get your children involved and have them do some composer notebooking. You will enjoy this post from AKA Homeschooling Mom all about John Williams. }
What about using John Williams music for SQUILT notebooking, too?
I've created some John Williams notebooking pages for you to download.
Day 5: What About Piano Lessons?
The 10 Days Series is organized by iHomeschool Network, a collaboration of outstanding homeschool bloggers who connect with each other and with family-friendly companies in mutually beneficial projects. Visit us on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. And of course, visit all the 10 Days posts from these homeschool moms of the iHomeschool Network. You'll be blessed with tips on how to handle bad days, cultivating curiosity, teaching with Legos, and much much more!
Reader Comments (13)
Oh yes. The Star Wars music is VERY popular at our house, too! Someone (even me sometimes) is constantly humming it!
I love anything from John Williams. I played french horn in high school and all of his music has wonderful parts for horns :)
oh my! this is SO perfect for us!! when we got our keyboard, piper instantly played the star wars theme on it...she just figured it out on her own! i think my girls would love this composer study!
Nice Mary! You know that the Imperial March is my ringtone for Jeremy! Ha! I always say, "Excuse me, Darth Vader is calling. . . "
Keep up the good work!
My boys obsession is John Deere. And guess what...there ARE songs about it! LOL! We have three "All About John Deere" movies and there is music on each one about tractors. Oh the songs we sing. LOL!
I love this idea! What a fun way to incorporate music!! Who doesn't love the Star Wars song?! Thank you so much!
I know Charlotte Mason would love how you capitalized on your child's passions to teach him great music. Thanks for the free printables, too!
We just started doing school with John Williams music and my kids love it. They don't even realize we are learning musical concepts!
We just started doing school with John Williams music and my kids love it. They don't even realize we are learning musical concepts!
Wow, you are describing my life right now! I sadly admit, I never thought of using this obsessive humming (not only from our 5 year old) of the Start Wars theme song, but also the adults in the family as an opportunity to study the music! Wow. So cool! Thanks for all the ideas and links! :)
Darci the STEM Mom
THANK YOU!!! We have a tiny coop that we're just starting to get off the ground. We're going to do a artist/composer day once a month. I decided to start with John Williams because of our particular kids interest. This post set me up beautifully. Thanks for doing the work and sharing it!
I love it! We have the same obsession in our house so this is perfect! Is the 10 days of music study here on your blog or on pininterest? God has given you such inspirations!
I almost missed this but thankfully someone recently pinned it and it caught my eye. My son is fanatical about Star Wars & Legos too. He is learning to play several Star Wars songs on the piano and it is such a delight to listen to him play. I've printed the notebooking page .. thank you so much! :)