Let's SING! ~ Creating a Repertoire

So far in this series I've talked about music history and playing the piano. I have also shared my favorite resources for learning about orchestral music, and also how to simply incorporate listening into your homeschool days.
Something I NEVER want to forget with my children, however, is singing just for the SHEER JOY of singing.
Image courtesy Flickr
Every child should have a repertoire of songs they can sing. Consider this your musical gift to them.
{ Repertoire - A list of pieces that a person is prepared to perform. }
Today I want to equip you with just a few resources to get your children singing!
1. Raffi Songs to Read ~ I can't tell you how many times we read and listened to Baby Beluga! There are many, many titles to choose from in this series, and we could never get enough of them. Any music done by Raffi will be enjoyed by your children.
2. Scholastic Mini Books ~ These printable books and lessons are great for teaching the BASIC songs... nursery rhymes and other standards every child should know. I made an entire co op class out of these mini books and we learned so many songs this way!
3. Piggyback Songs ~ Do you know what these are? Piggyback songs are songs that help teach our children something, set to familiar tunes. For example, here's a great little phonics song set to the tune of Old MacDonald had a farm:
Old MacDonald had a word, E I E I O,
And in that word he had a C, E I E I O,
With a /k/ /k/ here and a /k/ /k/ there,
Here a /k/, there a /k/, ev'rywhere a /k/ /k/,
Old MacDonald had a word, E I E I O.
You can just Google "Piggyback Songs" and come up with a ton of responses... but I happen to like Pentatonika.
4. Hymns for a Kid's Heart ~ I happen to love all of the books in this series. It comes with written piano music and also a CD, as well as a brief introduction and lesson about each hymn. Hymns are an essential part of our musical training, and this resource is VERY helpful. Read the review of this series at Curriculum Choice.
5. Mister Mark ~ This is a shameless plug for a friend of mine from college who just happens to be a great composer and children's performer! We own two of his CDs and they are wonderful! They all teach your children something, and they're just SILLY and FUN. His newest CD, Go Galileo, has a great combination of songs about science. You won't be disappointed in them!
I have a challenge for you: Have your child(ren) create a personal repertoire... their very own list of songs they know by heart and can sing. Add this to a music notebook, or post it somewhere visible in your homeschool. Children loves lists and they love listing their own accomplishments!!
I have created a simple "My Repertoire" printable for you!

The 10 Days Series is organized by iHomeschool Network, a collaboration of outstanding homeschool bloggers who connect with each other and with family-friendly companies in mutually beneficial projects. Visit us on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. And of course, visit all the 10 Days posts from these homeschool moms of the iHomeschool Network. You'll be blessed with tips on how to handle bad days, cultivating curiosity, teaching with Legos, and much much more!

I have a challenge for you: Have your child(ren) create a personal repertoire... their very own list of songs they know by heart and can sing. Add this to a music notebook, or post it somewhere visible in your homeschool. Children loves lists and they love listing their own accomplishments!!
I have created a simple "My Repertoire" printable for you!
Day 2: A Simple Way to Incorporate Music - SQUILT Notebooking Download
Day 4: Learning to Hear in a Noisy World - Exploring America's Musical Heritage DVD set giveaway
Day 5: What About Piano Lessons?
Day 6: Interest Led Music Study ~ Notebooking Download
Day 7: Non Stress Musical Learning ~ Maestro Classics Giveaway
Day 5: What About Piano Lessons?
Day 6: Interest Led Music Study ~ Notebooking Download
Day 7: Non Stress Musical Learning ~ Maestro Classics Giveaway

The 10 Days Series is organized by iHomeschool Network, a collaboration of outstanding homeschool bloggers who connect with each other and with family-friendly companies in mutually beneficial projects. Visit us on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. And of course, visit all the 10 Days posts from these homeschool moms of the iHomeschool Network. You'll be blessed with tips on how to handle bad days, cultivating curiosity, teaching with Legos, and much much more!

Reader Comments (4)
What a great idea. My girls play violin and cello and this will be perfect for them! Thanks for sharing.
I look forward to helping my kids build a repertoire!
My son adores making a joyful noise! We sing Onward Christian Soldiers every morning together while he's working on his morning worksheets. We sing songs all the time. He had an absolute blast participating in his first children's choir this past fall. He loves raising his voice and we wholeheartedly encourage it! Now he's starting making instrument sounds to the songs we sing. So while I sing the song, he sings as a trumpet. It's just wonderful and makes my heart so happy to hear his little voice!
I love this repertoir sheet. We call it our list of Ten. Yours is super cute! Great job.