Valentine's Day Project for Kids






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Entries in planning (4)


Collage Friday - Planning, Reunions, & Deals


This has been my teacher prep-planning week. 

The kids have each been in camp Monday-Thursday (9-12), so this gives me the solid time I need to clean out school areas, arrange books, and start working in my planner.

Anna has done a week of tennis camp, and Grant a week of baseball camp. Needless to say, everyone is very tired at night and the house has been quiet.

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A Day-in-the-Life of Homegrown Learners

I've had a few readers ask me to explain how we "fit everything in", or "what does a typical day look like in your homeschool?".  This post will show how I try to schedule our days to accomodate a rigorous education, but still retain enough time for pursuit of interests and also much needed rest.   

I will also share with you a very SIMPLE way I am keeping records this year!  

The goal of this post is to ENCOURAGE you - not to make you feel like you aren't doing nearly as much as me - because believe me, there are days when I feel that we have not accomplished much of anything. There are also days when I feel we have knocked it out of the park.   We have highs and lows just like everyone else.    

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Overwhelmed With Planning?

During much of our "off" time this summer I have been thinking about and planning for the upcoming school year.The down side to immersing myself in homeschool reading (books, blogs, magazines, etc...) is the tendency to try and over schedule for next year.  On more than a couple occasions, I have had to take a deep breath and remind myself:  "Keep it simple." and "Less is more."
How, then, to keep from being overwhelmed with the planning and the myriad of curricular choices?

{To read the rest of this post, visit me today at The Homeschool Classroom, where I am now a contributing author!}