Valentine's Day Project for Kids






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Entries in gratitude (38)


Ten Bloggers I am Thankful For - Multitude Monday #621-630

Each Monday I blog about gratitude. Over the past week I realized (on so many occasions) how thankful I am for homeschool bloggers! A great blog post (in my opinion) gives me something I can USE... whether it be a quick idea, link, nugget of wisdom, etc.... Here are ten bloggers I am thankful for ~ and I'm counting them as my blessings this week.

Blogging takes TIME, and time is a precious commodity to the homeschooling mom. I have noticed, however, that homeschooling moms are among the most helpful, genuine, and caring women you will ever meet. I hope you get a chance to visit these bloggers and tell them you appreciate them, too!

621. Tristan @ Our Busy Homeschool

Tristan homeschools her six children and offers practical advice, encouragement, and reviews. She is definitely a mom "in the trenches" who gives of her time to encourage others.

622. Nadene @ Practical Pages

Nadene has lots of notebooking/lapbooking pages on her site. I gain something practical that I can implement right away whenever I visit her site.

623. Angela @ Satori Smiles

This is your go-to spot if you are using Story of the World! I rely on Angela's detailed listing of resources, and I noticed today she blogged about a fun game for the iPad.

624. Jimmie @ The Notebooking Fairy

The Notebooking Fairy is a great resource for notebooking in your homeschool. We use many of the free printables Jimmie offers.

The Notebooking Fairy -- printables and how-tos with a pinch of pixie dust

625. Heather @ Blog, She Wrote

Heather, a fellow Five in a Row blogger, has lots of posts about their use of FIAR. I also love visiting her site to gain some math advice - she's a smart cookie!

626. Jolanthe @ Homeschool Creations

I love the printable poems for the First Language Lessons on Jolanthe's site, as well as so many other things. She is one talented blogger!

627. Rebecca @ Mom Seriously

Mom Seriously, Rebecca Ingram Powell

Rebecca's tips for moms have been so helpful to me, and I think she is just a wonderful source of encouragement. If I ever I need some mom wisdom, this is where I go.

628. Ginny @ Small Things

I am fairly new to Ginny's blog, but I love her creations and her knitting projects. She has a link up on Wednesdays (Yarn Along) that I am interested in taking part in. Her photos are beautiful, and so are her children!

629. Jana @ The Homeschool Jungle

Jana offers lots of practical homeschooling advice in a very easy to read, straightforward format.

630. Catherine and Debi @ Charlotte Mason Home Education

TONS of resources for the Charlotte Mason and eclectic homeschooler on this blog. I can never get enough of Charlotte Mason's philosophy and ideas.



Multitude Monday - #601-610

A Monday could not pass if I did not record what I am thankful for.... we are on a hiatus from normal life for several days, which in itself is a huge blessing. Here are ten more items of thankfulness in my life:

601. warm weather and sunshine - 80 degrees!
602. a loving grandma for my children, who has the patience to do things with them that, truthfully, at this time of year I'm just a little to worn out to attempt!
603. four glorious nights alone in a hotel with my husband, while the children stay with grandma and grandpa
604. a big breakfast I didn't have to make
605. a beautiful new home for my parents - in a safe and vibrant retirement community - my mom and dad are children of the Great Depression, and I wonder if they ever thought they would see something like this?
606. Hershey's Peanut Butter Kiss cookies
607. portable DVD players
608. so much quiet you can hear the clock ticking
609. cute flip-flops
610. my sweet husband, and his gift of driving the whole 10 hours we traveled yesterday!

What are you thankful for? Do you stop on a regular basis to ask yourself that question? Visit Ann at A Holy Experience to read others' lists and become inspired yourself.



Multitude Monday #591-600

I've reached 600 things to be grateful for.... and it gets easier each week to find things in everyday life for which I am thankful. Happy Valentine's Day!

591. TWO warm, sunshiny days where kids have played outside and everyone's mood has improved!

592. the baptism of a beautiful boy on Sunday

593. the connection and love between a very special pastor and my children

594. my son coming to me for no reason and giving me a kiss and saying "love ya mom!"

595. a nice, juicy steak

596. good time with my husband yesterday spent talking about science curriculum for the kids, and just sharing about their schooling in general

597. Oreos (I just LOVE them!)

598. a Valentine's Day I can spend with my children, making cutout cookies and just having a good time!

599. the memory of a Valentine's Day 16 years ago - the first time my husband (then boyfriend) ever sent me flowers

600. Sunday afternoon naps
