Valentine's Day Project for Kids






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Entries in gratitude (38)


Multitude Monday #571-590

It is a wonderful thing to end the weekend with your nine year old making dinner for the family.
Sunday was spent as it should be - going to church, Sunday School, then spending some good time with my family, knitting, lesson planning, and watching the Super Bowl.

I have MUCH to be grateful for today:

571. Smiley Bagel Pizzas, made with love for our family by Miss B

572. the bank teller, whose sense of humor and friendliness made my day

573. my Yamaha U1 series piano - it brings hours of endless joy to myself and others

574. a long phone conversation with my mother, after she had a long phone conversation with my daughter

575. a daddy-daughter event at Chick Fil-A - what a great company!

576. a dress purchased for $5 at a consignment store for my daughter - she loved it!

577. the special relationship my husband and daughter share - I have a feeling this bond will see her through whatever storms come her way.

578. our church, Word of God Lutheran, and the laughter we share on Sunday mornings

579. stepping out of my comfort zone - and not falling flat on my face!

580. online renewal of library books

581. sleeping children

582. my husband, who reads to the children in the evening

583. A friend who gave me some very wise advice yesterday

584. another child who showed my son compassion today

585. three children sitting behind me in church, singing like angels

586. Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream

587. the 10 minutes of sleep before the snooze goes off again!

588. the gift of music, and my sweet co-op class of Kindergarten and First Graders who make music with me each week

589. a sweet email from another homeschooling mom that made my day!

590. the start of a new week, and the opportunities we have to make it better than last week



Multitude Monday #551-570

So much to be done in the next two weeks. I've managed to avoid that "I think my head is going to spin off" feeling since last fall. Amazing, isn't it? Listing what I am grateful for this morning is a blessing which will help me put it all into perspective, I am sure.

What I am thankful for...

551. the Wii game - Just Dance - I may just play it today with my kids, even though it's a SCHOOL day!
552. a very quiet afternoon yesterday
553. my husband running the house for the whole weekend, which gave my brain a huge rest
554. my children's joy as they created their own Valentine's together last night
555. car vacs
556. finding change in the seats when using said car vac
557. my children's knowledge and understanding of the Bible - light years ahead of my husband and I at that age!
558. a horrible afternoon, that wound up actually being a huge blessing for my daughter and I
559. self control (well, sometimes!)
560. the funny things only kids can say
561. the house next door to ours (foreclosure) is under contract, and I'm pretty sure it is a young family with children
562. quiet, dark mornings with my six year old son - he's such a morning person
563. time to cook and bake - I enjoy doing them, but only when I have quiet time in the kitchen. I got that on Saturday and made a great recipe!
564. Benadryl and it's effect on itchy children
565. quiet time Saturday morning to learn new piano music, and actually practice for almost an hour
566. a sweet new piano student - it's been a few years since I had a beginner and they are so much fun!
567. my sweet little dog, Gizmo, and him curling up with me yesterday to take a nap

568. friends who are really like family - willing to care for my children
569. my new found hobby - knitting
570. time spent on Saturday at a great local knitting shop

Listing all of these things took my mind away from the "cares" of this week and brought me back to what is truly important. Perhaps I need to print the list and carry it in my pocket!

Have a wonderful week.


Multitude Monday #530-550

Such a peaceful, relaxing weekend.... maybe all of the laundry isn't folded, maybe the floors aren't spotless, but I've spent time with my family, my church family, and a good friend. I consider that a success! I love when Mondays roll around so I can list more things I am thankful for....

530. FOUR hours (count them... 1, 2, 3, 4!) spent chatting and knitting with my daughter and my good friend, Karen.
531. my sweet daughter reading her favorite Magic Treehouse books to her brother
532. Dollar stores!
533. our homeschool co-ops, and all of the friendships I am making with other like-minded moms
534. Chocolate Trinity Ice Cream, and secret texts sent over dinner with my husband planning to buy the ice cream so the kids wouldn't know!
535. our children's love affair with books.... it has been ongoing since they were babies!

536. Skype
537. a special friend to our whole family, "Fletch"
538. my daughter's piano teacher
539. vacations - our trip to S. Florida is on the calendar for February!
540. Sam's Club - opening this week near our house
541. my crockpot
542. a night out with my husband
543. the way the stars and clouds look when I take the dog out late at night - the world is so peaceful
544. football, and how happy my husband is watching these playoff games
545.Baseball season - starts in just a few weeks
546. people who let you get in front of them in traffic - and they even have a smile on their face!
547. NOT having to drive in traffic each day, and having the luxury to be at home away from the busyness
548. did I mention chocolate trinity ice cream? (oh yes, I did) -- well, my husband dishing up that ice cream RIGHT NOW
549. a quiet house
550. our fieldtrip to a local nature center tomorrow