Gratitude - In Video Form!

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I'm Speaking for LEGO® Education!
I wonder how many times we really TELL people we are thankful for them, or do we assume they know? I'm making it my personal goal this week to thank the people in my life who make a difference - won't you do the same?
These are the people I am thankful for this week:
721. my children's Sunday School teachers - while reading "Jotham's Journey" last night I was amazed at the Biblical knowledge my children have, thanks in no small part to their training at our church.
722. a sweet man who runs in our neighborhood each day, picking up all the trash along the way - he stops to talk with my son about baseball, and little did we know his father was the pitcher who broke Joe DiMaggio's hitting streak - how COOL is that?
723. my massage therapist -- she really helped me Saturday!
724. my friend, Hope - she has a kind, gentle, and patient spirit with her children that I admire so much
725. our next door neighbor - a ten year old boy is who is so kind to my little boy!
726. my husband - I'm always grateful for him, but I have used those very words with him recently, and does he REALLY know how much our family loves him?
727. our mail carrier - he leaves packages inside the garage and then neatly arranges the mail on the steps at the garage door so I will see it - he doesn't have to go above and beyond, but he does.
728. the man who bags our groceries at Publix - he always makes a special point to speak with my children and is so kind to them
729. my friend, Stacey - whenever I see her I laugh and we have a good time... we are both busy moms and have so much in common
730. Jesus -- wow, where do I even begin? After hearing a sermon on the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead it made me think about him in a different light. I wonder if I ever stop in the middle of day and just thank him for EVERYTHING.
What I am thankful for:
701. a new home for our church, Word of God Lutheran
702. my six year old son, winking at me as his class shares The Lord's Prayer with the congregation
703. the high school youth at our church, who are so engaged with the little ones - they are serving as wonderful role models
704. my husband's gardening advice and a gardening app for my phone!
705. a long phone conversation with my mother - on the weekend of the sixth anniversary of my husband's mother's passing, it makes me realize how blessed I am to have my mother with me
706. an evening spent with my father-in-law - he is perhaps the sweetest man I know
707. German Potato Salad!
708. a daughter who practices her piano willingly and joyfully
709. a fabulous tball game on Saturday - with my little guy smacking a home run from a coach pitch and not a tee - he has been blessed with a lot of athletic ability!
710. a visit to the Michael C. Carlos Museum at Emory University to see the Egyptian artifacts - it was a gorgeous day and we learned SO MUCH! Miss B was a great tour guide, and knows so much more than I do!
711. Just Dance Kids on the Wii -- lets us LAUGH and have a good time!
712. Four solid hours of outside play with friends for my children on a Sunday afternoon... which mean the mommies and daddies got a little rest, too!
713. the coming of spring, and all of the birds at our feeders
714. a new job system in place online - thanks to my husband for setting it all up
715. time and peace to learn more about Charlotte Mason and her philosophy of education - I am moving closer to my goal of being a better mother
716. clarity for my blog, and the content I desire it to contain
717. the flexibility that homeschooling offers
718. the children spending an afternoon with granddaddy while I go to the dentist and grocery shop
719. tooth fairies - and their two visits this past week
720. a new Bible study, and more opportunities to internalize God's word and apply it to my life