Ten Bloggers I am Thankful For - Multitude Monday #621-630

Each Monday I blog about gratitude. Over the past week I realized (on so many occasions) how thankful I am for homeschool bloggers! A great blog post (in my opinion) gives me something I can USE... whether it be a quick idea, link, nugget of wisdom, etc.... Here are ten bloggers I am thankful for ~ and I'm counting them as my blessings this week.
Blogging takes TIME, and time is a precious commodity to the homeschooling mom. I have noticed, however, that homeschooling moms are among the most helpful, genuine, and caring women you will ever meet. I hope you get a chance to visit these bloggers and tell them you appreciate them, too!
Tristan homeschools her six children and offers practical advice, encouragement, and reviews. She is definitely a mom "in the trenches" who gives of her time to encourage others.

622. Nadene @ Practical Pages
Nadene has lots of notebooking/lapbooking pages on her site. I gain something practical that I can implement right away whenever I visit her site.
623. Angela @ Satori Smiles
This is your go-to spot if you are using Story of the World! I rely on Angela's detailed listing of resources, and I noticed today she blogged about a fun game for the iPad.
624. Jimmie @ The Notebooking Fairy

Heather, a fellow Five in a Row blogger, has lots of posts about their use of FIAR. I also love visiting her site to gain some math advice - she's a smart cookie!
626. Jolanthe @ Homeschool Creations
I love the printable poems for the First Language Lessons on Jolanthe's site, as well as so many other things. She is one talented blogger!
627. Rebecca @ Mom Seriously
Rebecca's tips for moms have been so helpful to me, and I think she is just a wonderful source of encouragement. If I ever I need some mom wisdom, this is where I go.
628. Ginny @ Small Things
I am fairly new to Ginny's blog, but I love her creations and her knitting projects. She has a link up on Wednesdays (Yarn Along) that I am interested in taking part in. Her photos are beautiful, and so are her children!
629. Jana @ The Homeschool Jungle
Jana offers lots of practical homeschooling advice in a very easy to read, straightforward format.
630. Catherine and Debi @ Charlotte Mason Home Education
TONS of resources for the Charlotte Mason and eclectic homeschooler on this blog. I can never get enough of Charlotte Mason's philosophy and ideas.

Reader Comments (8)
I am not familiar with some of these blogs. I can't wait to check them out!!!
I have been following your blog for a couple of months now and I just want you to know how thankful I am for it! My family & I just made the homeschooling decision (or should I say- I finally surrendered to the Lord's calling on my life!). We will not actually start homeschooling until August but I am trying to prepare now. Your blog, along with many others has helped me tremendously! It inspired me to start my own blog so that I can connect with other homeschooling moms. Thanks again for all you do!
-- Abby @ http://abby-trustinginhim.blogspot.com/
Thank you for including me in your list! I am truly honored and touched.
May God continue to bless you and your homeschool!
I'll have to check out SatoriSmiles- we still have a SOTW to do.
(and I'll be checking out some of the others too)
Mary, Thanks a million for the link and positive comments. Much appreciated!
I have not heard of many of these. Thanks for the links, I'm going to check the out now!
Thank for the kind words. I'm off to enjoy your blog!
I love Heather's blog! After I commented and linked up to your blog hop this week, I realized that you also use FIAR! We LOVE FIAR, I used to be a regular on the FIAR family room forum until so many of the FIAR moms & I "friended" each other on Facebook. In fact, it was because of them that I realized it was okay to take the plunge and facebook....you know, with certain parameters in place to safeguard my family.
I'm also a former public school teacher. I taught 1st, 3rd and 5th grade back from 1997-2002. My 3 girls have never been in school & homeschooling has been such a BLESSING to our family!
So nice to MEET you! :)
Denise @ Creative Kitchen