Valentine's Day Project for Kids






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Entries in Bible (16)


Mustard Seed Planting - Scipture Memorization System

I am grateful to Rebecca at Mom's Mustard Seeds, for helping me be intentional about Bible Verse Memorization each week. We have been memorizing a verse each week, and I am seeing the fruits of my children's labor as they quote the verses to me and talk about them in everyday situations we face. Go to Rebecca's blog to see what others are memorizing this week.

I wanted to share an idea with you we hope to implement in the next few days. At our homeschool co-op last week our leader talked about Bible verse memorization. She asked how many of the children in attendance memorized scripture - my children's hands proudly went in the air! She shared a method with us which looked excellent - it is the Scipture Memory System from Charlotte Mason's website. It looks a little complicated at first, but she assured us she just jumped into it and followed their steps and it has blessed her family.

Our family's verse for the week is another suggestion from a WONDERFUL book I just read called Good and Angry - you can read my blog post about it here. My husband pulled the verse this week because we had an episode Sunday morning with one of our children not wanting to take the dog out and getting pretty angry about it - rather than dole out a punishment he chose a verse about anger and said it should be put in the Bible verse journal and committed to memory. Once she had written the verse she held onto her journal and took it to church with her... she copied several verses during the service and was asking friends to write their favorite verses in it as well! We had no idea how God would take control that morning.

So, here is our memory verse for the week -- again, it's so so important for adults, as well as children.

A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control.

Proverbs 29:11

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Bible Verse Memorization - Link Up to Mom's Mustard Seeds

Today I am linking up to a weekly Bible verse memorization at Mom's Mustard Seeds. Yesterday I blogged about a book we are reading that is changing my life! I will be getting my Bible verses from this book for the rest of the year I am sure. This is our verse for the week, and it has been repeated about a hundred times already!

Do everything without arguing or complaining
Philippians 2:14

It isn't long, but it is precise and is a great lead-in to a lot of character training I am working on with my children. And guess what? Mom needs to remember it, too!

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Our weekly Bible Verse - Ephesians 5:20

Last week I linked up to Mom's Mustard Seeds for some Bible verse memorization. I'd like to make this a weekly blogging commitment on my part, because it reinforces my commitment in our homeschool to learn a passage from the Bible each week. Our new verse is one of my favorites, and while it is short I think it says SO much.

Always give thanks to God the Father for everything. Give thanks to him in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Ephesians 5:20

I've noticed that each morning during breakfast my children are looking forward to going over the Bible verses together. (We review the previous verses as well.) Hopefully this is a lasting gift they will be able to draw upon in difficult and joyful times.
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