Mustard Seed Planting - Scipture Memorization System
I wanted to share an idea with you we hope to implement in the next few days. At our homeschool co-op last week our leader talked about Bible verse memorization. She asked how many of the children in attendance memorized scripture - my children's hands proudly went in the air! She shared a method with us which looked excellent - it is the Scipture Memory System from Charlotte Mason's website. It looks a little complicated at first, but she assured us she just jumped into it and followed their steps and it has blessed her family.
Our family's verse for the week is another suggestion from a WONDERFUL book I just read called Good and Angry - you can read my blog post about it here. My husband pulled the verse this week because we had an episode Sunday morning with one of our children not wanting to take the dog out and getting pretty angry about it - rather than dole out a punishment he chose a verse about anger and said it should be put in the Bible verse journal and committed to memory. Once she had written the verse she held onto her journal and took it to church with her... she copied several verses during the service and was asking friends to write their favorite verses in it as well! We had no idea how God would take control that morning.
So, here is our memory verse for the week -- again, it's so so important for adults, as well as children.
A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control.
Proverbs 29:11
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Reader Comments (4)
Great post and great scripture. I think it can be so easy to blow my top when spending so much time with my children. Quite the opposite of the way I should always be....a meek and quiet spirit. Definitely working on it! Thanks so much for your post!!! I'll have to check out the CM idea. I think I looked at it...and was overwhelmed. I like our system, but....I know that i did not invent this wheel and there are always better ways of learning! Blessings!
That is wonderful, Mary! God is working all the time :)
That's a great verse! It's one I need to keep in mind myself. (Don't we all!)
I love how God worked that situation out in your family!
I use that system with the boys. We do it at the breakfast table and have memorized quite a few verses through it. We all like it. We also memorized that particular Scripture recently as my oldest had issues with anger. Good and Angry is really a great book.