Bible Verse Memorization - Link Up to Mom's Mustard Seeds

Today I am linking up to a weekly Bible verse memorization at Mom's Mustard Seeds. Yesterday I blogged about a book we are reading that is changing my life! I will be getting my Bible verses from this book for the rest of the year I am sure. This is our verse for the week, and it has been repeated about a hundred times already!
Do everything without arguing or complaining
Philippians 2:14
Philippians 2:14
It isn't long, but it is precise and is a great lead-in to a lot of character training I am working on with my children. And guess what? Mom needs to remember it, too!

Reader Comments (6)
Great post and great scripture. It is such human nature to look around and complain....until we see others who truly have a lot to complain about. I pray this will seep into the hearts of all who read it...including my own! LOL and many blessings! Thanks for linking up!
That is a great verse! That was our "theme" verse for homeschooling last year. I'm tempted to bring it out again. It's a great reminder to me as well as the kids!
Excellent verse! This is my downfall, as well. Things may get done, but not always with a happy heart and a smile. Great reminder! I really like your new blog look, too. I've been meaning to tell you :)
Oh yes, we all need to say that verse to ourselves everyday, not just the kids. We are all in there with you. Thanks for sharing.
Excellent Verse. I think I needed that one as much as my children do.
I love this! I was trying to remember where that verse was and I hop to your blog and here it is!!! Thank you!
I am adding this one to our family memory verses for this week. Once it has transformed our minds through memory and study...what blessings there will be!
Mary Joy