Our weekly Bible Verse - Ephesians 5:20

Last week I linked up to Mom's Mustard Seeds for some Bible verse memorization. I'd like to make this a weekly blogging commitment on my part, because it reinforces my commitment in our homeschool to learn a passage from the Bible each week. Our new verse is one of my favorites, and while it is short I think it says SO much.
Always give thanks to God the Father for everything. Give thanks to him in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 5:20
I've noticed that each morning during breakfast my children are looking forward to going over the Bible verses together. (We review the previous verses as well.) Hopefully this is a lasting gift they will be able to draw upon in difficult and joyful times.

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Reader Comments (4)
Coming to you from Mom's Mustard Seeds!
I love that verse too. It's so hard to remember to always be thankful. I'm continually working on that!
Isn't it just amazing how the kids love to memorize their scriptures? I'm truly blessed by their efforts. We too start just after breakfast, and we'be been going on with this for a while.
I want to encourage you by sharing that my kids definately draw their strength from the scriptures we've memorized. Mostly in difficult times, but I want to encourage them to remember some verses in times of rejoicing and praise also.
I love this verse. Ephesians is one of my favorites! This is something that I struggle with daily. We are surrounded by blessings, yet tend to focus on the trivial negatives. I am adding this to my list for our bulletin board. Our theme is Be Thankful :)
Thanks for linking up again, this week. I had to start this...for my own accountability. So glad to see other Moms are doing the same!