The Homeschool Mother's Journal (with an AWESOME coincidence!)

In our homeschool this week: We stuck close to home and buckled down, so we accomplished quite a bit. Tonight we are having our African Feast (that goes along with the Story of the World chapter we are currently studying). Wednesday night we had Green Eggs and Ham with a great reading of the book by daddy! We fell in love with The Trumpet of the Swan by E.B. White - what a sweet, sweet book. A unit on seashells was started, and we learned about place value to the billions.
Places we're going and people we're seeing: Not much this week, just co-op as usual on Thursday. Considering the price of gas right now, it was wise to stay home most of the week!
My favorite thing this week: I found out yesterday that the house next door to us (a foreclosure which has been on the market since last summer) has sold --- to another homeschooling family! A sweet woman sought me out at co-op and told me she had bought a house on my street. Lo and behold, she will be my next door neighbor! She is in her second year of homeschooling (just like me) and we have much in common. We got to eat lunch together on Thursday and we chatted again today on the phone. God is good!
What's working/not working for us: I found this great idea, called "Just This 1 Thing" at the Practical Pages. It is a post worth reading and I think it will be effective in our house. The word for my daughter is immediately and for my son is cheerfully (read the post and you will know what I'm talking about!)
Homeschool Questions/Thoughts I Have: I'm wondering how to better structure our weeks so that I feel like we aren't missing anything. I think maybe we need a special day just for art, music, and extras? We do a little of everything now, but I want to go deeper. Does anyone have any tips on scheduling that has worked in your homeschool?
A photo to share: This is the new Nook for Kids app on our iPad. It's great! The new iPads came out this week and we have iPad envy, but there is still so much our first generation iPad can do. We use it so much in our homeschool, and I think this new app. will be used a lot, too.
*Hop over to Hip, Homeschool Moms to read other mom's journals this week!
Reader Comments (12)
Mary, how awesome that you will have a HSing family next to you! Fun Fun!
How awesome that you have a new neighbor who also HOMESCHOOLS!!! Does it get better than that? what a blessing. :)
The "just 1 thing" reference is great. I can't wait to start using it. Anything to keep me away from nagging. :)
Thanks for stopping in.
Sounds like a great week and I'm with you regarding gas prices. We'll be spending a lot of time close to home in the future as well.
Thanks for following! I am following back! I love Story of the World! Each week I am trying to do a mini Unit on the chapter we are studying. We had a great Chinese New Year Unit when we studied Ancient China! Have fun with that African Feast!
I am seriously considering SOTW for our History next year. I am glad to see so many positive responses to it.
That is so wonderful to have another HS'ing family next door. We have one across the street and a few doors away and it is nice.
We also use SOTW and love it. I am envious though - you with a HS family next door! Our closest HS family is about a 20 minute drive. At least we do know other hs'ers though. I hope your next week is as good as this one sounded :)
God Bless!
How wonderful that you will have a homeschooling family right next door! I would love that. It is nice that the two of you have so much in common. I hope you build an amazing friendship. I wish I had some thought for you on scheduling. I am also feeling like you. I really would like to dive deeper into some of our subjects. We do Art every Friday, which is working out for us. There are days I feel my head is spinning. I can't wait to hear what others have to say. Great post! Have a wonderful evening.
I really like all of the FIAR series. I even used the Above and Beyond FIAR for my oldest when he was in 8th grade. I really like the writing prompts and the project ideas in Beyond FIAR. Thanks for visiting.
We LOVE SOTW and cannot envision using anything else right now for history.
I am lucky that I have 6 hsing families in a 4 mile radius of my house. But to have a friend next door.....that would be the best!
Enjoy your weekend!
Awesome, what a blessing to you both
Hi Mary,
Wow--that is so wonderful! The Lord has been bringing homeschooling families to our inner city church, where we've been ministering for 7 years, and I just marvel at His ways! One family came from Indiana, another from Colorado, and most recently, a couple of newlyweds--homeschool graduates! Wow (again!--The Lord can do absolutely anything! :)
Thank you for the iPad suggestion! Can't wait to check it out.