It Takes a Wonderful Man To Support a Homeschooling Mom

My children and I couldn't lead this life of educational luxury if it weren't for the support of my husband. When we met sixteen years ago we were both fairly career driven and into ourselves. I was pursuing a Masters Degree in Education while teaching elementary school music, and my husband was beginning his career with the company he still works for today .... we talked about having children and thought maybe "one would be plenty". We couldn't see beyond the age of 30 and life seemed so very simple.

If you know us personally you would say I am the extrovert and my husband is the introvert. He is quiet and reserved. He is good with numbers and works in technology. He is level-headed, considerate and patient. I, on the other hand, am more gregarious, offer up opinions (when I sometimes should keep them to myself), and can be quiet impatient. I like to think my spur of the moment thinking helps balance us out. Our children are really a mix of both of us, and I love this.
Yesterday evening the children and I planned a little celebration for Dr. Suess' birthday. We made green eggs and ham muffin cups from a recipe I found at Super Healthy Kids. Miss B devoured the spinach egg creations, and GMan tried without complaining, which is pretty good for him!
We added some fresh fruit and Pop-Tarts! (I had to inspire my little guy to try the spinach somehow, didn't I?)
The looks on the kids' faces were priceless, and the laughter was contagious!
After dinner, they continued reading Dr. Seuss books in the family room and it was so cute to hear both of my children trying to be as dramatic as their dad had been earlier. It was one of those warm and fuzzy homeschooling moments, which make me realize that this choice was SO WORTH IT.
So, all of you moms out there, be sure to thank your husband today and tell him how much he means to your family. Too often our husbands get the last of us - tired and frazzled at the end of the day - and we forget to tell them thank you for working hard all day. I am guilty of this, and I hope to be more appreciative in the future. I'm also guilty of thinking I know the right way of teaching the children and I am the expert. Last night I watched my husband and saw him as the expert, too -- he knows them just as well as I do and teaches them in his own unique way.
I never dreamed sixteen years ago I would be a homeschooling mom and my husband would be dressed like the Cat in the Hat reading to our children. It just goes to show that life can turn out better than you imagined it could.

Reader Comments (13)
Yes! Our husbands don't often get the recognition they deserve. Great post :)
Wonderful post, we often forget to thank them for all they do for us. I always tell others that my family pays me in hugs and kisses. Can't get any better than that!
So True! I am so thankful for my husband and tell him often.
Great post! Love the pictures.
I love it! Thanks for trying them, and thanks for the link!
Great post! I think everything you said is right on! None of us moms could do this without the support (financial and emotional) of our husbands. We are a lucky bunch!
What a wonderful post and a sweet husband you have! I love the pictures and the expressions of everyone.
Thank You for reminding me how blessed I am to have a supportive husband.
Have a wonderful homeschooling day!
I love your post for today. The pictures of your husband reading to the kids is priceless! The hat takes it. It really sounds like you all had a great evening last night. Dr. Seuss can really bring the silly out in all of us. Thank you for reminding me that I need to thank my husband today. I do not do that often enough. I need to really make an effort to do that. Have a great day!
The title says it all for me!!
I love this post. I love that your husband did that - so much fun! I also love that you acknowledge that he goes above and beyond. Thank you for this post!
God Bless,
What a great Dad, glad you caught a good man:)! I did as well. Without the Dads us Mom would have a much harder time. I try to thank my husband often:) I am sure your husband loved this post;)
Thanks for the comments, everyone... my husband is very shy and I had him read the post before I published it. He said it was ok. Last night, reading the post, he said he was so glad it caused some other moms to "pay it forward" and encourage/thank their own husbands. God at work, that's for sure!
What a sweet post! I couldn't agree with you more about these wonderful men who are the homeschool Daddys! You all have such a special memory of that night together - and some great family photos of your own Cat in the Hat!