Valentine's Day Project for Kids






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Entries in Maestro Classics (7)


Learn Stories in Music with Maestro Classics: A Special Offer

We're long time fans of Maestro Classics here!

If you have preschool and/or elementary aged children, this is a perfect, low stress way to introduce them to the great stories in classical music.  

Each album comes with a beautifully done recording of the music, along with supplemental activities and an activity booklet. When I tell you it takes NO WORK from the parent, I mean it. Just press PLAY and let the learning begin.

If you want to expand more, you can. A couple years ago we made a little unit study out of Casey at the Bat. It was so much fun! 

For the next week (until April 8th), Maestro Classics is offering you three .mp3 recordings (Casey at the Bat, The Tortoise & The Hare, and Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel) for just $14.95!

Hurry and grab this offer now - you'll have a chunk of music planned out for the next homeschool year (or even your summer).  Throw in a couple SQUILT volumes, and I think your children will be equipped with a solid education in music appreciation!!

*Maestro Classics is a  sposnor of this blog. They were my very first sponsor several years ago and I am so happy we have grown together!  


Maestro Classics Story Pack Giveaway


 Maestro Classics has been a part of our homeschool since we started nearly five years ago.

My children have always loved the engaging stories, quality recordings, and additional enrichment activity books and online activities.

For our family, they are a perfect lesson to accomplish while we riding in the van, or to keep restless ones engaged during quiet time. 

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Listen to Music that Tells a Story ~ Sorcerer's Apprentice Lesson (with a Maestro Classics Giveaway)


One of our favorite ways to easily enjoy music is to learn about stories in music.

I remember wondering where composers could get an idea for a piece of music. It wasn't until I was older that I realized they could be inspired by great stories. 

One of the very best examples of this is The Sorcerer's Apprentice, by Paul Dukas (based on the original poem by Goethe).

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