Valentine's Day Project for Kids






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Entries in Halloween (3)


Music For Halloween: FREE SQUILT Download


Music for Halloween: Free SQUILT Download


I have a FREE SQUILT lesson for you! 

This Toccata & Fuge in D minor was written by JS Bach for the pipe organ. It is perfect to use during the Halloween season -- or during ANY time for that matter.

JS Bach is a composer all children should learn about, and this piece is probably the one that engages children immediately. 

Click to read more ...


All About Pumpkins!

I read about this activity at My Montessori Journey - when I saw that I already owned the book, I knew I could adapt this project for my five year old son. We just love this book!

Before we read the book I sang my favorite pumpkin song -- Pick A Pumpkin:

Pick a Pumpkin

Pick-a, Pick-a pumpkin from the pile

We can make his eyes and a great big smile!

Pick-a pick-a pumpkin round and clean

Then we’ll be ready for Halloween.

Halloween! Halloween!

Then we’ll be ready for Halloween!

You can make up your own tune to the song, or even just use it as a little poem - there is something about it that kids really enjoy.

I read the book, then went back over the life cycle of the pumpkin. Then, I gave my son the sheets I had downloaded and printed from here and asked him to color them, cut them, and arrange them in order on the black 12x12 paper. Here's what he came up with - I was really proud of him!

Tomorrow we will be cutting and putting together the mini book of "Five Little Pumpkins" - I still remember this rhyme from my childhood! Happy Pumpkins!

This post is linked to the Hip Homeschool Hop - I love this Tuesday link-up! Go see what everyone is up to this week.


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Goodies to Make with the Kids this Week!

Let me preface this by saying I CANNOT take any credit for these cute little creations. We have wonderful neighbors who live across the street from us who love to bake and share for almost every holiday and birthday. They are the type of family that would do anything for you, and believe me - they have done a lot for our family since we have lived here. Their children are married or in college, so I think they like doing things for young families and spending time with my children. I can't say enough about the value of having neighbors like this! Tonight our neighbor called and said they would like to bring over some Halloween goodies. When I saw their creations I thought I would do a blog post about it, because the ideas are simple and fun!

This ghost is a Nutter Butter, covered with Wilton candy melts, and mini M&Ms for eyes.

The witch's hat is a Fudge Stripe cookie with a Hershey's kiss fastened on with a little frosting... which was then used to make the ribbon on the hat.

The pumpkin is just an Oreo covered with candy melts again, a candy corn stem, and Halloween sprinkles for the face.

The best thing is -- my kids get a dose of making things like this each week. The same neighbor that made us these goodies also keeps my children while I give piano lessons each Tuesday afternoon. She bakes with them, teaches them new card games, plays badminton - last year she even made a terrarium with them! How lucky am I?

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