I think every mom needs a sanctuary. Mine is nothing grand, but it is quiet, away from the hustle and bustle of the rest of the house, and IT IS ALL MINE!
I've had this rocking chair since my oldest was born. I remember sitting up with her one night in an old, hard rocking chair (and while it had sentimental value, it just wasn't too comfortable!) and being so exhausted and sleep-deprived. I told my husband I had to have a nice rocking chair within the next week or I was going to LOOSE IT! I remember demanding (in my oh so nice way) that if I did not get a more comfortable chair, HE was going to be the one getting up in the middle of the night! Within the next several days we had ordered this glider, and it has served us well.
I've changed a lot since then. First of all, I wouldn't demand something in such a childish way again. Second, my children are older and don't need rocking any more. Third, I hope I'm much wiser and patient then I was ten years ago. Now this chair is my reading, knitting and relaxing spot... there are times when it gets laundry piled on it, or homeschool books stacked on the footstool, but for the most part I try to keep this place ready for reading.
I'm always interested to hear what other moms are reading. I usually have two or three different books going at the same time. The current ones on my nightstand are:
This is my inspirational book and devotion each morning... I love Sally Clarkson's books, and this one is beautifully written. It even has places for me to journal throughout the book, which I love!
The third book in The Hunger Games series, this is my page turner! Yes, I joined the hysteria of The Hunger Games and I have been hooked. If you're wondering, I'm "Team Gale".
This book will be started next - a good friend of mine recommended it to me. It is the story of a poor southern tobacco farmer whose cells were harvested without her knowledge and have become one of the most important tools in medicine. To this day, Henrietta Lacks remains virtually unknown and is buried in an unmarked grave.
Oh, the candle burning on my nightstand is a pecan pie candle by Paula Deen. I LOVE IT! Since fall is my favorite season, it transports me to that time, even when it's 100 degrees outside!
What is on your nightstand right now? Do you have a book you think I might enjoy? I'd love it if you'd leave me a comment...