I am an avid reader of Ginny Sheller's blog, Small Things. She is a homeschooling mom and knitter extraordinaire! Each Wednesday she has a link up, Yarn Along, where people share what they are knitting and reading. Each week I drool over the gorgeous projects and interesting books. Ginny has recently challenged her readers to knit for earthquake victims in Japan. You can read all about it by clicking the button :I have recently learned to knit (being inspired by my daughter -- which I'll tell you all about in a post coming up soon!) and have done a couple of scarves, but nothing complex. My dear friend, Karen, coached me through this hat. If you've been reading my blog for a while you know Karen is my hero. She and her husband have adopted two beautiful special needs boys from China ~ they are blessed with an unlimited amount of compassion for orphans.
Back to the knitting: After reading Ginny's Knit for Japan post I sent it to Karen and said "Let's do this!". We both have made hats... something so simple, but hopefully very meaningful for the recipients. We started Saturday (as in three days ago!) and finished over breakfast this morning! When I see a challenge my Type A personality has to meet it, and quickly. (It's one of my best and worst qualities!)

The hat is The Amanda Hat (pattern found here). Karen describes this pattern has "meditative" - it's not too hard, but the lace pattern really makes it look nice.
The book I'm reading is Parenting Today's Adolescent by Dennis & Barbara Rainey. I HIGHLY recommend this book if you have children in the 8-12 age group. It gives you a great idea of what is to come, and the Biblical defenses we can use during adolescence.
How about you? Do you know how to knit? Do you want to learn? It's never too late to learn something - I've experienced this firsthand over the past several years!
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