"I Can't Handle This!" ~ 5 Benefits of a No Spend Month

No spend January hasn't been all roses.
It's going beyond the money.
We're getting at some serious heart and pride issues here. This is a good thing.
I'm so thankful to my friend, Melissa, for suggesting this challenge to me. I just love the words she writes :
This challenge is not just about not spending the money so at the end of January you will see how much money you did not spend. It's about personal discipline, working together as a family unit, realizing that LESS can be MORE!What I hope you walk away with, on the 31st of January, is a sense of realization that you could (or maybe will continue to) live on LESS. That we, as Americans, have SO much and we don't need it all...just seems that we WANT it all.What void does that "stuff" fill for you?
In case you're just tuning in, for the month of January we have been reducing our spending - no eating out, no extra coffees, no impulse buys. Essentially - not spending unless it has been pre planned/scheduled and is totally necessary.
The impetus for this no spend month was a general feeling that we needed to do MORE to be good stewards. We have everything we need and then some. The lessons from Ecuador were many, and I KNOW God is calling me to change my life.
We're just two weeks into January and I'm ready to report the benefits.
This post is a little tough for me to write because I'm admitting some painful truths, but that's what this month is all about.
I'm sure I'll have more benefits by January 31, but here are 5 I've noticed mid-month.
1. It's Rubbing Off On The Kids
When Grant (my 9 year old) realized that no spend January meant he couldn't spend the $10 in his coin jar on a LEGO set he'd been wanting, he proclaimed,
"I just don't think I'm going to be able to handle this!"
Well, that statement inspired his sister (my 12 year old) to take a coin jar we have in the kitchen (it's labelled "Eating Out Money") and start putting every available coin she could find into it. She's told me this is now our Operation Christmas Child jar.
In November, when it's time to pack boxes, we will take the money in this jar and pack a very special box. I take time to pray for this box recipient each day.
Kids are generous by nature - but little by little our culture teaches them to aquire much and share little.
Grant has even hopped on board - adding change to this jar, rather than the change jar in his room.
I love my kids.
Oh, we've had some instances where mom has had to say "no" to some wants - but I've been really proud of my two.
2. We Spend More Time at Home
There have been no dinners or lunches out. I would normally take the kids out for lunch once a week. We would eat Sunday breakfast out. My husband eats most of his lunches out.
I stocked up at Sam's Club last week and we have enjoyed every single meal at home (or packed to be taken to work).
Plant to Eat is my lifesaver in cataloging what's in my pantry and making sure nothing goes to waste! It also helps me catalog recipes and generate shopping lists.
No trips to The Dollar Store, the consignment store, or TJ Maxx - just "because".
After seeing children living in deplorable conditions in an orphanage in Ecuador, I can't stomach purchasing much right now.
My biggest prayer is that the feelings stay front and center in my mind. I do not want to forget those precious children and how I felt when I was with them.
3. I'm More Content and Grateful
Funny, you would think not being able to spend would breed discontent.
Quite the opposite.
I have found myself focusing on what I DO have, cleaning out the clutter, and keeping a better home.
(Staying at home gives you a lot more time to make it a place you want to be!)
Confession: I have a sweet lady that helps me with cleaning. She comes once a week and works for 2 hours in my home. She has been very ill the past month and hasn't been able to clean for me. I do not think it's an accident that I've had to clean the house by myself during no spend month. It's been a BLESSING.
{I normally use the time when she is here to work on my music curriculum and blog - those things have taken a back seat the past couple of weeks - even that has been a blessing!}
One evening I decluttered the family room and put a few of my favorite things on the mantle. I got out the Murphy's Oil Soap and cleaned the mantle, coffee table, and end tables. With some great music playing, I made it a point to be intentionally grateful for everything I have in my life, which is SO much.
We put a system in place to help the kids keep up with their clutter, and everyone is joining in taking better care of our home.
4. Money in the Bank (Money for Missions)
It's also pretty awesome to hear my husband say to me, "You know, I can already tell a difference in our finances because we've just STOPPED SPENDING."
This is huge - coming from the man who would live this lifestyle all of the time if I would just hop on board. He has worked for a debt counseling non profit agency for 17 years, so he has seen the worst of the worst when it comes to money disasters.
We're hoping the money we save this month will fund a plane ticket to Honduras. My husband will be going there on a mission trip in March.
5. You Look Outward, and Not Inward
The most interesting byproduct of no spend January has been the realization that I spent a lot of time looking inward before.
More time at home, more money in the bank, and just the peace that comes from not letting spending control you allows you to think about how you can serve others - and what your purpose REALLY is.
This has been HUGE on my heart since I returned from Ecuador.
It's so much more than money.
And once again - I am thankful my children are with us every step of the way, learning at home and taking an active part in this challenge.
Are you participating in the no spend month? Are you thinking about cutting back?
Reader Comments (11)
ok let me wipe away my tears first....sigh....now I can type!
Mary, your journey through this No Spending month has paralleled ours here at home. It's been eye opening for our children and my husband (honestly I have been praying for this sort of challenge for a VERY LONG TIME!) There is just something about it that comforts me.
I remember living in a two bedroom basement apartment with my older son some 20 years ago and we had NOTHING. I slept on an air mattress that deflated so essentially I was on a concrete floor on top of a piece of plastic and we had my hope chest to eat our meals on. BUT I was HAPPY. WITHOUT all those things to cloud my judgement and to show me what was REALLY Important - the fact that my son and I were together and living our lives together as a family unit with the good Lord guiding us all along.
We are only 1/2 way through the challenge and big changes have been happening! Thanks for your support and discipline. I am so proud to call you my Sister in Christ and walking hand in hand with you for this challenge!
I am determined not to let this challenge be "over" once February 1st comes along! I am working on Part B now! Stay Tuned! XOXO
Mary, our experience has been very similar. I have had to say no to the kid's several times. I gave away a box of stuff yesterday -not a lot- but it is going to missions in Mexico. My husband also took another truck load of stuff to the dumpster!
Also, I admit, in the hustle and bustle of our life I forgot my mission once and stopped at the frozen yogurt place. I realized halfway through the yogurt what I did and I felt soooooooooo guilty for that $2.27 that I spent. I wondered what a single mom might do with it. I was a single mom 20 years ago and I would have bought my son a Happy Meal (back when they were $1.99).
I already knew we had more than enough, but this challenge is showing me just how greedy MY family is, never mind the gross greed of our country as a whole. My next personal challenge is to minimize our wardrobes. My boy's have an abundance of clothing, which equals a lot of laundry, which equals a lot of water and electricity being used to clean them. My struggle with the clothing is deciding just how much to keep.
Thanks for a great post! Keep on keeping on!!
Here I am, you told me to read it, and I did! I love reading the journey you are going on with your entire family. Your little guy sounds a lot like mine; a big heart and a willingness to do right even when it hurts a little. Your Anna sounds like she takes after her mama!
We've got a small amount of debt compared to most; but it eats away at me. We were able to pay off a big chunk of it yesterday. We're expecting to be 100% debt free by February. We wouldn't be there without this challenge. That is why, we're planning to stretch this challenge for two more months. Afterwards, I know that we will be forever changed.
I love your OCC jar on the kitchen counter. Some special child is already receiving blessings that they don't even know about! I hope the rest of the month continues to bring you many blessings. xoxo Kristy
What a blessing it is to read this and Melissa's journey through this challenge. I'm a single mom with one part-time income and I did not think there was much room for me to not spend, but I joined the challenge anyway. I'm encouraged and humbled from your experience. Thank you for the honesty of your experience.
good job, friend! We're limiting our spending too. We're eating at home for health reasons and to save money. We're purging and making do and fixing things we would have just thrown out. We live in such a disposable society and I want my kids to learn more value.
Yes, we have been living this way for a long time, and it really does make a different attitude. My kids have noticed the difference, too.
My hubby has had a few slow mos on his route and we had some unexpected expenses so the no spend challenge came at the right time for us. It has really opened our eyes to how blessed we really are and sadly, to how much we waste on unnecessary things. Thank you for challenging me!
My oldest daughter has taught me through her example that when you rely on our heavenly Father for the necessities, he provides in an abundance. Not necessarily with money, but a good conscience, really good friends, and amazing surprises. She just sold all her furniture and kitchen stuff and now is planning her next big missionary trip. Watching her rely so heavily not on material things but spiritual blessings...I feel ashamed sometimes at how much I can waste. 2014 has turned a corner for my husband and I. He has sold many of his "projects" and he now is saving money for us to move to a smaller less complicated lifestyle somewhere not in California.
We didn't hear about your January challenge soon enough so many next month. I will put it in my hubby's ear and see what he thinks. I love finding creative solutions to things that don't cost money. Thanks Mary.
Hi, I just read all of your experiences with spending less, and it made me jumpin for the challenge. I was reading to my hsband as I was reading and we decided to do it, not next month but tomorrow! Spending less will be noticeable because we do eat out a lot in our work days, but now Im packing lunch!
Awe, I love how your kids are getting into the spirit of things! I'm also trying to set a better example so my kids develop a giving spirit and lose the consumerism mentality, ick!
And yes, we are also doing a No Spend Month here. Boy, did we need it. Even though we always "talk" about simplifying our lives, we were having a hard time with the habit of online shopping. It's just too easy to think of something you "need" and run to the computer and buy it off Amazon without fully considering the purchase. Or to take advantage of the many sales that appear in our inboxes every day! I can honestly say it hasn't been hard because we really don't NEED anything. Quickest trip to Target EVER this month because I was only getting the groceries on my list and not browsing! Still trying to figure out how we can continue this lifestyle come February, but I have a feeling seeing zero balances on my credit card statements next month is going to be very inspiring!
Keep up the good work everyone! :)
Inspired by your action on this issue. Our family would be game but there seems to be an "elephant" in the room about how to have fun together as a family or even how to have a proper date without spending money? It would be helpful to see suggested ideas...The culture has influenced our thinking too much so that we believe its impossible without $...ThX