Ten Little Things (Not About Homeschooling) That Make My Day

Would you believe there are things that interest me other than homeschooling?
I want to share with you 10 little things that make my day... maybe these things will help you to get know the face behind the blog a little bit better.
Maybe some of them will surprise you.
Remember, you just can't put homeschoolers in a box... more on that later this week!
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1. I love my Donut Shop coffee in the morning - especially if my husband brings it to me before I even get out of bed. That totally makes my day!
2. I am automatically in a great mood if there is no humidity. Stick with me here - I have very curly hair, and on low humidity days I can straighten my hair and it stays straight. {I know it's shallow, but going through my day with cute straight hair just makes life better.}
3. Listening to 80s music alone in the car very loudly makes my day, too. My favorite song of all time is A Perfect Way by Scritti Politti - oh, and anything by A HA, Phil Collins, or (I apologize) Michael Jackson is right up there, too.
4. Eating mushrooms makes my day happy, as well. I have always loved mushrooms. When I was living on my own after graduating from college most nights I would eat sauteed mushrooms and rice for dinner. Weird, right?
5. A day spent relaxing by the pool with a great book is pretty close to perfect. This past weekend I spent a lot of time by the pool reading The Light Between Oceans - what an awesome book!
6. Texting makes my day. Let me explain before you think I'm really shallow. I have a good friend who I text with often. Her insight into life's daily events challenges me and gives me much needed perspective. We encourage each other, complain to each other, and pray for each other.
7. Those lines after vacuuming give me a huge thrill. Isn't that sad? I just love lines on the carpet. They symbolize order, peace, and structure.
8. Listening to my daughter play me a concert makes my day. She is getting to be such a great piano player and I love it when she goes into the piano room and just PLAYS.
9. Going to Sam's Club alone with my husband is a huge treat. There is just something about strategizing our week together as we roll through the warehouse that I love. Last weekend I got especially lucky because he took me for coffee afterwards!
10. Picking weeds makes my day. I think this one goes along with the lines on the carpet. I feel great seeing a task that needs to be done, then doing it and seeing VISIBLE EVIDENCE of its completion. Picking weeds is just awesome!
I hope I've given you a little more more insight into what makes me tick. I hope you aren't disappointed... especially with the Michael Jackson part.
What little things make YOUR day?
*This post is linked to the iHomeschool Network's 10 in 10 blog hop. Visit other bloggers to see what little things make their day!
Reader Comments (17)
What a fun post! I may have to use it for inspiration. I laughed at the lines in the carpet - me too! Texting too although Instagram tops texting for me. Hard to believe I never got the point of texting.......and look out if you are in a car next to me when Michael Jackson's The Way You Make Me Feel is on. He was one of my first concerts.
Thanks for the morning smile.
I too love going to Sam's Club with my hubby alone! Oh and if you love the lines the vacuum makes you might like the carpet rake my aunt has. Yep she actually likes those lines so much she rakes them in.
I totally hear you on the straight hair thing!! A good hair day just makes life a little better. I'm a Michael Jackson fan too ;) In fact, I read his autobiography and did a research paper on him in college! LOL!!
LOL!!! I love those lines on the carpet as well. To go along with those lines, I also love to pressure wash the driveway. I wait until it gets visibly dirty so I really tell the difference between the cleaned portion and the dirty part. Crazy? I know, but I find it very therapeutic.
I agree that reading a book by the pool, which I don't have, would be pretty close to perfect.
You had me at "a day with no humidity" :-)
I'm glad I'm not the only crazy vacuum person. And I have a photo of my organized closet in today's post so maybe we share a little crazy. ;)
Love this!! I don't have carpet anymore but when I did I LOVED the lines in the carpet. I didn't even want anyone to walk on it! I love texting but I'm with Jess, Instagram is my favorite social media. I love it so much more than Facebook. I love 80's music too but I was more into the British bands. Keilee knew all the words to Duran Duran by the time she was 4. :) Great post Mary. I feel like I know you better now. :)
I vote no humidity as well! I skype with a friend (chat box) daily and I love vacuum lines too! If I'm in the car, 80s will be playing. I have a safe play list too...you haven't lived until you hear a car full of kids belting out Pat Bentar's We Belong! haha
Mary, I only got to #3 and had to respond right away! I haven't heard the band name Scritti Politti in ages! Too funny! Listening right now - boy, this brings back memories! Thank you for bringing a smile to my face! BTW, one of my all-time favorite 80's song? The Call's Let the Day Begin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=to2KasivROc
My hair is super duper curly right now. Not awesome. But I was listening to Sirius 80's on 8 this morning! That made my day :)
Mushrooms , Shopping alone with the husband, and reading but on the beach!
What a great post!! Make it a link-up?
The carpet one made me laugh. My roommate in college loved them. I never liked them and I always would walk around "erasing" them with my feet. The first time I did this she had a fit. So we made a deal, if she vacuumed the lines stayed, if I vacuumed I erased them . The carpet lines stayed more often than not lol.
A fab list! Probably in the top 10 for me - listening to my kids sing around the house or Moly dance around the house. Also random kisses and hugs from the kids. Oh and prob the best for me - waking up and starting the day before any of the kids wake up for at least 1 hour. I am a much better mom if that happens!
You really got me thinking, Mary!! Homeschooling so often becomes the end all and be all of our day. Well, that, and chores.
But there *are* things I enjoy outside of those two. Huh, imagine that. :)
A few minutes of quiet reading (when and where ever I can grab it.)
Sneaking a few minutes to play guitar.
The sight of sparkly clean kitchen (chore related but it makes me so happy.)
Early mornings in a half-dark house with my coffee and my Bible. :)
And wait -- you really like pulling weeds? =p
Love this!! Can you come pick my weeds because I do not find it relaxing. Ha ha!!!!
Thanks for sharing some of your personal favorite things to do. :)
Love your list, Mary. You are a well-balanced girl! I totally relate about the hair. I went on holiday to Florida last year and it was a bad hair fortnight! Luckily here in the UK it's just the drizzly rain I have to look out for - trying to look on the bright side of English weather here, LOL.