LEGO Learning - Language Arts and Minifigs Download

It's time for another LEGO download! (and NO, this is not an April Fool's prank)
In this download your LEGO lover will practice language arts concepts while having fun with minifigures.
LEGO learning is a wonderful thing! {Have you seen my page of LEGO Learning Activities?}
Language Arts skills included in the download are:
- adjectives
- verbs
- alphabetical order
- proofreading
- creative writing
- .... and more!
I've been testing this with my LEGO lover over the past couple of weeks and he loves it! When I told him to bring some minifigures, a box of crayons, and come to the table for some "schoolwork", I'm not so sure he believed me!
Download Language Arts and Minifigs and have FUN!
Do you have fun LEGO Learning activities planned this week?
Reader Comments (21)
Thanks for the ideas!! This is wonderful.
I know my little guy will love these. He just turned 6, but I can see doing these orally as well.
Thanks for creating these fun things for our kids!!
Awesome, Mary! Thanks!
I'm really laughing right now! I wasn't so interested in the LEGO language arts (I've seen some really pathetic ones) but I was so confused by how LEGOs and meningitis went together, couldn't understand why anyone would have a child young enough to want to play LEGOs study meningitis. I had to check it out. Do you see how God can cause anything to happen? Now I get it! MINIFIGURES! This looks amazing!!!!! Thank you!
Thanks Mary!! This will be a fun way to start back to school after spring break.
My 10 year old Legomaniac has ADD and Dyslexia and struggles daily with reading and comprehension. I can see him working very hard on this lesson. Thanks for the wonderful idea.
We have a very happy homeschooler today! So excited to write!
We'll be utilizing this later in the week for "back to school" mode (we are doing spring break right now)! My boys will LOVE this, thanks! You do such good work with these. :)
hey Mary, I have a question for you! I just noticed your little boy is left handed. I have a son who is 7 y.o. and he does things with BOTH his hands, BUT he writes with his LEFT hand. What curriculum did you use to teach your son cursive handwriting??
My son prints upper case only. He can write in manuscript but for him is easier to just use the upper case letters. I am thinking of teaching him cursive but I know it will be different than what I did with my 10 y.o. Any suggestions??? I appreciate your time. :)
Thank you so much!!!!
I love this!!! Thank you so much for sharing. I think this will finally motivate my 11 yo to write!!!
This will be a great activity this week when we are doing school at the grandparents. Thanks for posting this!
Thank you for sharing! My three sons (10yo, 8yo, 6yo) are LEGO junkies! They love your create your own mini-fig sheet too! Thanks again!!
My 8 yo son does not like to write creatively for school AT ALL!!! But he loves legos! Hoping to sneak in some "school" while we "play." Thanks so much. So blessed to have found your site!
This is a great resource and so much fun! Thanks for taking the time to create something of this quality and for free. Have a great week!
Very cool. I have a household of lego lovers. I am thinking about returning to homeschooling with my daughter (10). It is encouraging to think of all the fun, creative (and free) resources available. Thank you.
Thank you! This is wonderful!!! It is such a blessing to get this as a free resource - a big, heartfelt thank you!
My sons love Lego minifigures. Thank you for sharing this download with us.
Thank you for a great educational freebie! I homeschool my boys and this has been a great study for us. One of my boys asked for another copy of the blank lego man so he could make him something different tonight and we have reviewed antonyms and synonyms today. I also pinned your Star Wars music unit study as both my boys are into Star Wars too. Thanks again :)
You are so AWESOME. I might be more excited than the kids about LEGO educating our next homeschool year, thank you so much for blessing us with your talents!
Thanks this is perfect for my 2nd grader. I might try it with my kindegardener with her dictating to me. :-D