When You Look Back, What Will You See?

These days with our children are so very short.
You know that. I know you do.
I know it, too.
So why then do I fail to live in accordance with what I know?
Why do I waste so much time worrying about the little things?
Why do I fail so often to treasure each moment?
In just the past week, I've found myself:
~ fussing at my children at bedtime about messy rooms instead of sitting on their beds and just LISTENING to them
~ grumbling when they leave their dishes on the table, rather than simply picking them up cheerfully and giving them a gentle reminder about picking up after themselves
~ failing to look up from my computer when they are sharing something important with me
~ being critical of my children more than complimentary
When I look back on my life (specifically the years of raising my children) I want to see happiness, joy, laughter, and learning.
I want my children to see a mother that loved them above anything else, treasured them above anything else, and always had TIME for them.
Was I a FUN mom?
{One of my children said last week, "You never want us to have any fun!" That gave me great pause.}
I wrote last week about laying aside something I loved for the sake of my family.
But I am feeling the need to do more of that in the coming months.
I've been a bit restless because I've felt something missing.
I think what's been missing is a thankful attitude and a servant heart on my part.
Sometimes it might just take 40 years to grow up.
God has called me to be a mother for this season. It won't last forever, so this is my calling for now. It is a calling I am honored to accept.
It is also a calling the world tries to discount at every turn in the road.
But that's ok - I'm not trying to please the world. (Galatians 1:10, remember?)
The Holy Spirit has truly been working in my life in the past few weeks.
While I still stumble, I'm receiving very CLEAR signs about the path I should be on. I'm receiving gentle nudges and whispers that give me courage, peace, and great joy.
Last weekend while we were away on a mini-vacation we took the kids to Krispy Kreme at 10 p.m.
They were shocked and very pleasantly surprised.
Better yet, we got EXTRA donuts for breakfast the next day, and let them eat them in bed watching cartoons.
When I look back, I want to see the 20+ years of raising children full of Krispy Kreme moments.
When my children look back I want them to remember a mom who laid the unimportant things aside to focus on her calling - raising THEM, educating them at HOME, and always having FUN!
Maybe then they will focus on that calling with their own children, too.
What about YOU? When you look back, what will YOU see?