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Two Inspirational Homeschoolers - Review & Giveaway

Do you remember the stories in the news of the homeschoolers from California that were trying to sail around the world?

I watched the separate journeys of first Zac and then Abby Sunderland, as they attempted something so tremendous and unbelievable.

As fate would have it, over the past few months I have gotten to know their mom, Marianne, and have been blessed to receive the DVDs documenting the stories of two of her children's amazing journeys.  


I have never before heard a story of such love, courage, faith, and determination.  

How in the world does a mother, in particular, let her children embark on such a journey?   You will be in awe of the Sunderland's faith in their children, as well as their determination to help their children achieve their dreams. 

My entire family watched all of these DVDs without moving a muscle... we were glued to the tv to see how the stories would evolve and eventually end.  

Intrepid - The Zac Sunderland Story

At age 16 Zac Sunderland set off on a solo circumnavigation of the globe.    His story is nothing short of amazing.    At the age of 17 he became the youngest male to sail solo around the world.  

Did I mention that Zac is also dyslexic?  

When Zac was a little boy, his family lived on boats.  His mother recalls reading aloud to him The Boy Who Sailed Around The World Alone - the story of Robin Lee Graham.    This small seed was planted in Zac's mind and heart and the rest is history.  

(A cool side note:  Robin Lee Graham followed Zac's trip around the globe and they eventually got to meet!)

As we watched Zac's documentary, we followed along all of the awesome places he stopped with our globe.  We vicariously traveled from California to Australia, to Africa, and through the Panama Canal (I've left out a few spots, but you can watch the DVD and discover them for yourself!). 

Zac even had to make an emergency stop on an island that was in the middle of a civil war.  God was protecting Zac, though, with missionaries that knew of him and offered to help.   

We learned about sailing terms, different types of people around the world, and most importantly, Zac's walk with God as he learned to trust HIM for everything.

It was geography, science, Bible, and many other lessons rolled into one.


Wild Eyes - The Abby Sunderland Story

Zac's sister, Abby, also attempted a solo circumnavigation around the globe.   

Learning about Abby's boat and how she and her father (along with a team of others) outfitted this sailboat for a trip around the world was very interesting.   

Her documentary is about how her trip was cut short by a rogue wave on June 10, 2010.  The wave caused her boat to roll 360 degrees, tearing off the mast, and ending her trip.   

Abby's quiet strength, her vast knowledge of sailing, and her determination were a fabulous lesson for my children.    

Abby is also dyslexic and is using her struggles, accomplishments, and determination to inspire others.    



Throughout both Abby and Zac's story I was struck by the FREEDOM their parents instilled in them, and the great sense of family the Sunderlands possess.  They are a family driven by the love of Christ.   What an awesome testimony to all of us!  

Both stories have enriched our lives so much - I believe they have also inspired us all to reach higher to achieve our own goals and dreams.

Purchasing Information

All information for the DVDS can be found at Worldwind Productions.  


  • The Abby Sunderland Story - $22.50
  • The Zac Sunderland  Story Part 1 - $22.50
  • The Zac Sunderland Story Part 2 - $22.50
  • OR - you can get all three DVDs for $54.00

*You can use the discount code HAPPY2013 to receive 40% your purchase!


Today I am able to offer one lucky winner all three of these DVDs from Worldwind Productions. This giveaway will be open until Wednesday, January 9 at midnight.  


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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