Collage Friday - Mostly Math

Today's Collage Friday has a math emphasis (among other things). Our math times have been much more enjoyable this year, and I wanted to take a chance to share that with you.
We thought and researched very carefully about math instruction this year; resulting in a "math epiphany" of sorts.
For my children, a rigorous, no frills approach to math works best. Our spine needed to be demanding and very structured. Math is one of our "non negotialbes" (read more about a day in our homeschool) that is completed first thing each morning.
A spiral curriculum that is tried and true is what we eventually chose. In my curriculum post I shared our plans for the 2012-13 school year - new math included.
Join me at The Homeschool Classroom today as I share more about our plan for math this year.
Allow me to take this opportunity to tell you about what our week looked like from a "math perspective". I think math is one of those subjects that gets very little blog "air time" -- we know we all do it, but rarely blog about it! This will be mostly activities for my youngest, since my oldest is taking a math class outside of the house... she gets assignments, does them independently, and other than me grading her homework, I am pretty much removed from the equation.
{Am I a bad mom if I say this makes me happy?}
I have two very different math kids. My oldest will tell you she doesn't like math, so I seek ways to make math more meaningful and enjoyable for her. She works right on grade level and is in Saxon 7/6 this year. My youngest (7) LOVES math - and I'm not exaggerating. When he has a problem such as "Write a number sentence where the answer is 7, he writes this:
1,000,000 - 999,993 = 7
Everything in Grant's world is a number or a problem to be solved. Everything in Anna's world revolves around literature, music, and history. They are just DIFFERENT kids. I wouldn't have it any other way.
1. Math Curse is a WONDERFUL book if you have a math kid. Right away, my son noticed it was written by Joe Scieszka (author of his favorite series, The Time Warp Trio), and we had to check it out from the library. The book takes you through an entire day of being cursed by seeing everything as a math problem! We spent a good 45 minutes with the book over the weekend, and it was great fun.
2. I just love TARGET! My youngest is working through Saxon 3 right now. I think it's easy for him, but I want to make sure he has all of the basic concepts under his belt. I am always looking for supplements for him. Enter the dollar section at Target. They have so many great educational materials! I purchased 5 Minute Quick Quiz! Math Blast Multiplication and several other math workbooks. He loves anything timed and anything he can work on for a "grade" from me.
3. Do you know how much a Googol is? Another math book we got from the library was On Beyond a Million... which explores the concept of "power counting" (exponents). Wow -- I learned lots from this book, which leads me to discover there are lots of book about "Googol" -- I think we'll be getting some of those!
*Have I mentioned how much FUN it is to have a child who is gifted in a certain area? In many ways it is very difficult to keep him engaged and challenged in math, but oh I'm learning so much with him!
4. Lots of lots of drills for BOTH kids this week. Dare I say they look forward to me timing their facts practice sheets each day?
5. Measurement is another concept we are exploring - right now it has just been shapes on a page, but I'd like to expand that next week.
6. This is my son's "math meeting box" - it consists of all the Saxon materials we use, and also any supplemental workbooks, etc... When it's time for math I just ask him to go get the math box!
In the midst of all my son's math, my daughter is completely caught up in her music world. She had her first rehearsal for the children's chorus she will be a part of this year. Saturday it was a three hour rehearsal and Monday it was a 90 minute rehearsal.
As you can see, the hall where they will perform is beautiful... I would love the chance to play this pipe organ! Her participating in the chorus is so special to me - when I taught public school music in this area I would attend their concerts, and also attend teaching workshops with the director (who is AMAZING!). To see my own child in this chorus brings me so much joy, not to mention the fact she is getting theory instruction and a quality group choral experience.
The drive to practice is just about 45 minutes. My husband has worked it out with his work schedule to keep my son during this time, so it's just Anna and I going to practice. While she is in rehearsal I can wait for her (they have fast WiFi and a beautiful lake stocked with swans!). This is going to be a peaceful time for me each week, and I'm very thankful. I am also grateful for the time with Anna to and from rehearsal... she talks with me during this time without having to compete with her brother.
I have one last collage for you.... it's been a busy week (which is why I didn't post much), but I wanted to document everything.
We enjoyed a dinner out with just Grant, my husband and myself. We hit a favorite Mexican restaurant. Anna had her first night of mdidle school fellowship at our church. We were pleased to see our new pastor there (actually, our FIRST CALLED PASTOR) and had a chance to chat with him.
Tuesday was a solid RAINY day. I also had a diagonstic procedure done on my back - the doctor pretty much pinpointed the source of my pain and I actually had relief for a few hours. So, this makes me a candidate for a much lengthier procedure where they can burn off the nerves that are causing the problems. It should offer me at least a year of relief before it needs to be done again. We are praying about this, and I would appreciate your prayers, too. Lots to think about.
Finally, Target strikes again (in fact, it is my favorite resource this week!). I picked up a pack of World Landmark flashcards (36 landmarks) and challenged the kids to memorize the names and locations by the end of the week. If the accomplish this they get to choose a movie to watch (rented from iTunes on the new Apple TV!) on Friday. (More on ways to use Apple TV in your homeschool at a later date - but I can tell you it is a very cool tool!).
There is SO MUCH MORE that went on during our week!
When you write it all down, you see just how much you accomplished:
- learning about Martin Luther -- and I started reading Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy (WOW! This is a must read... very enlightening especially in light of our current political situation.)
- kids each chose an animal to research - we went to the library and chose books and began to take notes
- spelling and writing lessons each day
- daily piano practice
- 2 baseball practices
- successfully getting rid of nasty colds!
- a lot of silent reading... kids are trying to Get Rich Reading!
- finishing our read aloud - The Happy Hollisters, and continuing In The Heart of the Rockies
I would love for you to link with me... I try to visit as many of you that link as possible. Last week I know I didn't make it to all of your blogs, but please know I appreciate each and every one of you who take the time to link up and visit other bloggers on the list.
Please grab a button or text link back to this post and have fun viewing everyone's collages!
Reader Comments (16)
I am going to try to find that math book; we all love Time Warp Trio. I try to use as many living math books as possible too. That organ is beautiful!! We were lucky to go to a Moravia Love Feast on Christmas Eve last year and they had a huge pipe organ in the church, most beautiful sound ever!
Mary, what a wonderfully full week. Those math realizations are rewarding and a relief, aren't they? And I completely agree. Your collage Fridays help me to see just how much we really did do. It's a great weekly reflection.
I have the same thing with math going on with my two oldest--daughter doesn't care for math, son LOVES it and loves a good challenge!
You had a busy week! We had so much rain here, nearly every day. Sun is out today and I hope it sticks around for the weekend.
Prayers as you make a decision concerning your back. Hope you find physical comfort in whatever decision you make.
You have had a busy week! I just love when kids find something they love in school and learning. I think, however, that it is even more wonderful when a child takes a subject they don't like and does his/her best anyway.
I am glad to hear you got a few hours of relief from back pain and I pray they find something more permanent.
math book looks great - love the pics this week (as usual)
Oh Math! Not ready for it! LOL! I am going to Target. I want those landmark cards! I'm sorry I haven't gotten the collage format worked out yet, but I promise I will when i get the chance. In the meantime, I hope it's OK for me to still link up. If not just let me know!
What a great week! I love the Target dollar bins - I am going to have to go check out what's new!
We also love "Math Curse!" You know, they created a "Science Curse" book too. AND I think you should look into "Gis for Googleplex"- I bet it will be another fav for your son...
(I will pray for your back issues, Miss Mary. I have another friend going through the exact same kind of stuff, and it is NOT fun! I will pray that you will have wisdom to know what choices to make- it is not an easy decision when dealing with the back.)
My daughter teaches math to several homeschool students and she was tutored in math through her high school years. I am perfectly comfortable delegating!! I do love playing with math as well. Peggy Kaye's math games and Family Math books are two of my favorite resources. I love the dinner out picture!
What an amazing week. The choir sounds so nice. What a wonderful opportunity. It is amazing how much happens in week.
Blessings, Dawn
Ahh Math. Keilee says she 'hates' it too. It seems like there is more 'fun' things to do with Math when the kids are younger...more elementary age. Now it seems all about structure. As I discussed in my post Saxon isn't easy. But she feels so proud of herself when she is done and they are right. I absolutely love Gran's Math problem! :) It is so wonderful how different kids can be isn't it? Keilee is definitely an 'arts and history and science' kind of girl.
Your week looks awesome. I love the place where Anna is practicing. How totally beautiful. I know you will love the 'alone' time and the 'Mother-Daughter' time. Some of Keilee and I's best conversations are in the car even though it is ALWAYS just her and I. Praying for your back and making the best decision for you. Happy Labor Day weekend Mary!
So many great things in your week...and so many good resources, too (thanks for linking up, Mary!) We LOVE the Target Dollar's our first stop every time we walk in the store :)
Great post Mary. As a former High School Math teacher, more blogging about math is a great thing! (Also, that is a free invitation to "tap" my math knowledge should your kids ever have questions that you can't answer. As they get older ... this becomes more and more likely, I know.)
As for the chorus performances, let me know when/where they are when your daughter actually performs. I'd love to attend and support you both - plus, I love music in just about any form. So not only will I be able to support, but also enjoy it! Not to mention that you are right ... the space looks fabulous. That's what we call a win-win-win in my book!
Bonhoeffer is an incredible man. The more I learn about him the more inspired I am and the more I am forced to sit back and evaluate my own spirituality. I pray that the same is true for you - and it sounds like it is. Two of my favorite Bonhoeffer quotes are as follows. Both of them come from his work: The Cost of Discipleship. Man ... that is a great book, easy read, but really spiritually provoking! Anyway, the quotes are as follows. FIRST: "Only those who believe obey, and those who obey believe." That one will challenge for sure. SECOND: “Cheap grace is the grace we bestow on ourselves. Cheap grace is the preaching of forgiveness without requiring repentance, baptism without church discipline, Communion without confession.... Cheap grace is grace without discipleship, grace without the cross, grace without Jesus Christ, living and incarnate.” And as I was researching that quote (because it is too long to get it from memory I came across two more really powerful ones. THIRD: “Discipleship is not an offer that man makes to Christ.” And FOURTH ... perhaps the most powerful one of them all: “When Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die.” Wow. That one always knocks me back in my chair to reflect. Anyway, needless to say, I am a huge Bonhoeffer fan. God bless your reading about him!
As always, I will be praying for your back. I am glad you found relief on some level. Perhaps that will lead to more relief longer with the other procedure.
I liked the Math Curse too. :-) "Baloney Henry P." by the same author is pretty funny as well.
Love the Math Curse book...definitely going to look for that one! Since neither of the girls has a love for math, we are always looking for math games, puzzles, and fun stories that incorporate math. Thanks!
Praying for you!
I've never heard of Math Curse! I am the Math lover in our family. Sadly, I don't think of my children have that same love. :(