Inspiring Creativity Through a Story

I often see beautiful crafts on Pinterest. They look so easy and achievable.
It's not often that we actually IMPLEMENT a craft and feel hugely successful.
This was the case with these adorable Queen's Dolls. Better yet, it fit right in with our current unit on the Olympics and learning all about England.
If you want an activity for a crafty child (or adult!) or for the child that likes to be told exactly what to do in a craft, this is for you.
I'm not crafty - so you know it must be easy!
We are completing the England lapbook from Homeschool Share which uses A Walk Through London as one of its key books.
This book is a wonderful overview of London, with gorgeous fold out pages of the entire city. I've found that both my seven and eleven year old enjoyed the book.
One of the things that particularly interested my children was the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace. We watched a video all about the Queen's guards.
I had pinned the "Queen's Dolls" activity from The Crafty Crow, and purchased the supplies to make the dolls. The dolls at the Crafty Crow are just beautiful! {Notice our dolls aren't perfect... quite the opposite, which shows my children really had fun with this! }
Notice my daughter took off with the clothespin dolls and created the Queen and Kate (I told her I thought the Queen looked quite young and svelte!).
My son also built a LEGO model of The Tower of London Bridge. This is not the set made and sold by LEGO, but just a creation my son built after we read A Walk Through London.
If you give your child some good supplies, an idea, and a quality story, their imaginations will do the rest. This is homeschooling at its finest, don't you agree?
I'm happily joining Amy, at Hope is the Word, for Read Aloud Thursday. We love reading aloud, and this book has been on our favorites in the past few weeks!
Also linking with The Weekly's Kid's Co-Op!
Reader Comments (6)
This is absolute fun!! What great results (and wonderful learning!)
Fantastic, Mary! What a great activity!
How cute:) My girls would love this craft! We are studying the UK right now:) I'll have to this to them.
What a great way to bring the story out of the book. I'll have to look for that book at our library.
I love it! I'll definitely be looking this book up!
Adorable!! And the bridge is fantastic!