A homeschool mom who I respect VERY much brought this article to my attention:
It has stuck with me for several days. Thank you, Karen (I don't know you, but thank you!).
When the author talked about the "simplicity of homeschooling" and how it forces you to rely on God I had a huge "a-ha" moment.
With all of the technology, conferences, modern conveniences, and things that "make our life easier", how easy it is for us to push God to the BACKGROUND?
Sometimes God isn't very subtle about making a point with me.
Yesterday in church while listening to a dynamic young man (a pastor candidate in our small church) preach, he asserted that we should simply be living to proclaim the risen, resurrected Christ. THAT is our mission.
It's not about lifting ourselves up or making ourselves stand out.
I guess that means it's not about all those great ideas I can share on my blog or the number of people that link up with me on a given day. It's not about having children who read the best or achieve wonderful things on a baseball team or play the piano well.
My friend Denise, who shared this article, commented that she will be writing a mission statement this spring and "refocusing on what God has called her to do".
I thought about that A LOT this weekend.
We will be leaving for a nice long vacation this week. When I come back I want our homeschool to be more simple and foundational. I want it to be more Christ centered. I want to tune out the "noise" and I want to create more margin in our lives.
Sometimes I think the sum total of our homeschool should be the Bible, a library card, and nature walks. (Now I know I need to incorporate some other little things like spelling and math, but you know what I mean.... just strip everything back to the bare bones and go from there.)
I don't want to buy another piece of curriculum.
I won't read all those glamorous curriculum reviews and "Curriculum for Next Year" posts.
I am challenging myself to my library basket, Bible and nature walks.
Heart education will be my top priority.
To remind myself of this, I took a picture of our library basket and added some text.... I'm adding this to my sidebar so I see it OFTEN. You are more than welcome to do the same. Maybe it will make us all aware of the necessity to simplify our homeschools.
As I read Dick Whittington to my children last night ( a great folktale about generosity and humility from Medieval England), they simply sat eating their ice cream and listening. Our family was learning together and the world was PEACEFUL. Once again, I felt that God placed this read-aloud in my hands to bring a lesson for ME as well as my children.
I want more moments like this.
Will you join me in simplifying this spring?
Reader Comments (16)
I am all for simple!! I get stressed when things are too complicated or involved.
Dick Whittington sounds like a good read aloud.
I am reading "Educating the WholeHearted Child" by Clay & Sally Clarkson and it has me thinking along the same lines as you. Have you read it? I guess I'm just scared not to have a curriculum, but I'm finding it may not be necessary! We are on a tight budget too but I'm tempted when I see everyone else's shiny new curriculum! I'm still praying, but I know I want our school to be Christ-centered. He's the reason we brought our children home in the first place! It should be about Him! Thank you for your encouraging posts!
I would love to simplify, but on the other hand I think like Abby. I also worry about the fact that the government has a big foothold in homeschooling as well. They want lists of curriculum and such. I think this makes it difficult to make sure they understand what exactly your child is learning. On the other hand, homeschooling is all about learning in ways they don't have a chance to learn at school. You inspire me Mary.
Oh, yes! It is so easy to get into the mind set that if I just had this one more piece of curriculum, my school would be perfect, but this is no different that wanting one more thing for any other part of our lives. Things are not what we should be striving for. I am starting to get rid of the curriculum we have. I do understand what you are saying.
Thank you for this post! It's so easy to get wrapped up in the "newest" and "best" curriculum, especially if you're attending a homeschool convention. I also need to step back and focus on what matters and what's important...not stuff and bling curriculum. Thanks again.
I agree. I get stressed at times when I talk to someone who seems to be doing such 'school at home' which we don't. But I watch my child and she is so happy, and well adjusted and interested in so many things and I realize that this lifestyle works for US. Thankfully Alabama isn't hands-on with our homeschooling. I love your sidebar!
I hope your son's friend is OK. I woke up this morning with him on my mind.
Karen - I love your homeschool! I admire the freedom and simplicity you have with Kei.
I have not heard any more about G's teammate, but I do know copperhead bites are treatable. I just hate thinking of this little guy suffering at all. :-(
Keep praying!
Oh, Sister! I needed this and I'm just itching to jump on that link you posted (will do that as soon as I finish this). I've had to discipline myself to stop reading certain blogs and homeschool websites. I always second guess myself and start feeling so inadequate when I hear what others are doing. Well, not anymore. I give God our homeschool each and every morning now. May HIS will be done.
As always, Mary you are such an encouragement to me. Your blog has helped me more than you'll ever know. ((hugs))
WOW,I always say that I am NOT going to use a main curriculum OR pay out lots of $$$$ BUT this year I did cave and spend way too much on SONLIGHT,I enjoyed the books but it was too much for my son.I am rethinking it all for this next year and for baby #2 on the way.WHY spend so much when there is so much to offer in our library and out in nature.
have a great vacation
Thanks for linking my post! I am so glad it blessed you. I am humbled by your kind words :)
Blessings, Karen
I totally have found that our school simplifies every year...eventually we'll be unschooling! LOL I love your image with the library basket- ours is always brimming and the kids are always reading! I love being a book-rich family.
I so loved this post when it came through on my reader this morning. It is so refreshing to see others who are on the same trajectory as I am! The more I simplify school, the more freedom I feel and the better school goes!
We are really working on simplifying! These days we are trying to balance the craziness of driving and visiting my dad in the hospital with calm, quiet, restful, peaceful time at home. Love this post, Mary. I needed it today:)
very appealing, "Sometimes I think the sum total of our homeschool should be the Bible, a library card, and nature walks. "
I say this every year - and always chicken out!
Very encouraging post! I have 2 homeschool graduates and 2 still at home, including a K'er. Simplicity is essential to sanity! I hope you share what's in your library basket often as I love getting new ideas. I wrote Dick Whittington down in my planner's sidebar. Thanks.
I always get so caught up with these popular HS blogs, that I kind of feel pressured to purchase the newest curriculum and "fun" prepackaged kits. I have to remind myself that most of the popular HS bloggers receive the product for FREE to review and pretty much sell it us readers.