The Lesson NO Curriculum Will Teach Your Children

The Lego Discovery Center opened in Atlanta last week. We were given the opportunity to visit the day before the grand opening.
What fun we had!!
{I have to tell you, however, about some difficulty we had getting there.}
I woke up that morning (at 5 a.m.) with a horrible headache (one that was still lingering from the day before)... the kind of headache that makes you nauseous. I dragged myself out of bed, took a shower and got ready (became sick in the process), but kept on going.
I was fully ready for the day, and I got Miss B up (it was 7 a.m.) - told her the situation and she told me to go and lay down and that she would get her brother ready and make breakfast.
I really thought I was going to have to tell the kids there was NO WAY I could drive them into Atlanta for the opening.
Thirty minutes later my daughter presented herself and her brother, ready for the day. She had slicked his hair down and helped him put on his Lego watch.She even MADE HIS BED FOR HIM!
I looked at both of my children, dressed and with smiles on their faces, and was so thankful for them - thankful for their giving spirits, their caring hearts, and their love for me and each other. I realized that it is in these moments that my children learn about self-sacrifice. These are the lessons that can't be learned from any curriculum.
Thank goodness my headache was starting to subside (so thankful for migraine meds) and we hopped in the van at 8:15 to make it to midtown by 9:45. There was actually no traffic and we arrived at our destination by 9 a.m.!
The Discovery Center is on the third floor of an upscale mall in Midtown Atlanta - Phipps Plaza.
I think the kids' favorite activity was learning the interlocking brick technique from the resident master builder. He stood on Miss B's creation to show how strong your design can be by using this technique.
Building, building, and MORE building. There were huge vats of Lego bricks everywhere!
Some of the creations there were amazing. From left to right: The Georgia State Capital here in Atlanta, Turner Field (home of the Braves), Merlin (and Miss B), and one of the many mosaics.
Of course this poor mini (big) fig was almost mobbed by all of the children. I bet the guy inside that suit was GLAD when the day was over!
Of course this just has fueled our Lego obsession even further... I'm thinking of investing in this (through the Homeschool Buyer's Co-Op) for our homeschool.

Reader Comments (10)
This if fabulous, Mary! Next time we're in Atlanta, we're there!
I love how your dd took care of your ds. You're definitely raising them right!
I'm glad you had such a good day despite its shaky start!
What a great day Mary! I know your kids just had the best time. I am so glad your headache got better. A migraine can just ruin anything.
Wow!! What an incredible day! I love it when my children step up and show responsibility and care like your daughter did for you. You're right, those are the lessons that can't be learned through a curriculum. You've taught them well!
I would love to go to Lego Land. I think there is one somewhere here in Germany where I live. Anyway, we just got the book The Lego Ideas Book from the library. It's pretty cool.... For when the inspirations from Lego Land wear off.
So sweet that your daughter did that! Those are the moments to cherish and remember.
Especially when you have a headache.
Your daughter sounds like a caring person!
The Lego creations make me miss home. I didn't know this was opening, but I'm thinking we may visit on our trip this summer!
That looks like so much fun!! I am so sorry you were sick, but it seems you have taught your children well. Yes, you are so right, these are the lessons that can't be learned from any curriculum.
Sounds like an incredible time!! My girls SO would love a trip like that! I am sorry about the headache, wonderful and caring your children are :)
I am so sorry you woke up with a headache but happy that it worked out and you guys made it. So sad I did not get to meet you. My kids said it was a lot of fun.
Miss B is just the sweetest sister ever!!!! Ok, I got a little teary thinking of her getting GMan ready and making his bed!! How sweet!!
I am so glad this worked out for you!! What a great experience!
And you are right, those times when we pull together as a family or sacrifice for someone else are not things you learn in a textbook!