The Christmas Clothespins and YOUR Chance to Win

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I am the youngest child in my family (by 11 years).
When I was a little girl my older brother (who was high school at this time) hadn't been very good that year. I don't even remember now exactly what he had done, but that's irrelevant. My parents repeatedly warned him that Santa would fill his stocking with clothespins if he didn't straighten up. Hearing this as a the six year old I was seemed HORRIBLE to me. Surely, such a thing wouldn't happen.
Guess what?
Christmas morning arrived and my brother only received CLOTHESPINS in his stocking. I remember being horrified and actually shedding tears for my brother.
My brother, however, in his very witty way (that he still has to this day), let out shrieks of JOY! (Yes, joy.) He immediately ran to his room, rigged up a makeshift clothes line and began hanging all of his socks and underwear with the clothespins, declaring they were the "BEST PRESENT EVER."
Oh my. I will never ever forget that day. It is a story that gets told in my family over and over this time of year.
When I look back on this story I realize that even at a young age my brother was MAKING THE MOST of what he had been given (well, maybe he was sticking it to my parents; err.... Santa, too!), approaching his circumstances with a sense of humor, and protecting my feelings. I laugh when I think about it, but the older I get, the more I see the beauty in those Christmas Clothespins.
I do believe that my parents gave my brother some real presents that year, but I also think they were gently trying to prove a point to him. They knew they had little eyes watching... then again, so did my brother.
Fast forward 35 years:
My brother is getting ready to retire from his position as a Naval Chaplain in just a month. He has seen a lot in his life and has had to deal with much more than clothespins. (He's even written a book about his experiences.)
Well, today I actually think I can help you get some pretty good presents. And no, they aren't clothespins!
The iHomeschool Network wants to kick off the Christmas season with an ENORMOUS Stocking Stuffer giveaway. We are offering a chance for you to win many goodies!
Wouldn't you like to win $250 CASH?
We're giving away TWO of those prizes.
... plus so much more!
The Rafflecopter below is self explanatory. One note: you only need to leave ONE comment on any one of the many participating blogs. Now, you have the opportunity to earn many other entries, too. The more Rafflecopter tasks you complete, the greater your chances of winning.
Plus, you might just find some blogs you've never known about before; then it's an extra blessing.
Below is a collage of the many blogs participating in this Stocking Stuffer:
Good luck, and many blessings to you as you embark on a most joyous season of celebrating Christ's birth!
Reader Comments (27)
Would put some towards my husbands long awaited electric violin and the rest to help some families in need at Christmas time! That is what the season is about!
Hi Mary! If I won the $250 I'd use it for Christmas or next year's homeschool supplies. Thank you so much for being part of this!
After just receiving a huge unexpected bill right before Christmas...this would surely help us to celebrate!
I never win these big giveaways, but I keep trying. Does that make me faithful or dense? ;)
I would put it right into our missions account. We are self-supported missionaries with To Every Tribe.
We would finish up Christmas shopping and buy toys food toys for tots.
We'd finish up our shopping and get a bigger than planned world vision gift :)
I would use it for Christmas presents most likely. Money is tight this year and we have scaled back BIG TIME and still are finding it hard to find money for even the smallest of gifts for our kids.
I would probably use it to help pay off my husband's hospital bill from this year. His knee surgery cost us $5000! Thanks so much for this opportunity!
Christmas presents!
I would donate the money to charity.
I would buy Christmas presents and school supplies for my kids
I'd put it towards my surgery costs.
Thanks for this giveaway! The money would be used for curriculum!! Yeah!
I would most likely use the money as a special gift for my husband. I want to do the gift where you plan out a date night once a month for a year. ...everything is ready to go including the gift cards to the restaurants. As it stands right now I haven't planned much of it because of finances.
I would love to donate some of it to our Habitat for Humanity resale shop (that had a major fire last week) and the rest for my huge dental bill.
I would put it in the kids' college funds.
I'd use the money to care for my new rescued dog and to get a few things fixed.
What a great giveway. I would use it for Christmas.
I would use the money to get my daughter some new clothes and shoes, she has just about grown out of her old ones.
Christmas presents
I'm not sure...I would have to pray about it. Curriculum always comes to mind, but right now I would use it to help a friend of mine.
I'm looking for a kindle fire for my dyslexic daughter
Christmast presents!
I love that story. I also love that the kid who was "naughty" grew up to be a chaplain.
I heard of that book recently...I am not sure where, not on your blog, but i heard to it referred to somewhere.