Celebrating Memorial Day - Simple Activities for Today

Yes, it's a treat to have daddy home on a Monday, and it's also a treat to have barbeque and ice cream tonight. We wanted, however, to show our children what the real meaning of Memorial Day is, and we've chosen a few simple activities today to do so.
- Yesterday our pastor gave a beautiful sermon about Memorial Day, and even delved into the war we are currently engaged in, being a way that has been going on in some form or another since the 7th century AD - a war between Christians and Islam. He was quite pointed in his sermon, and I appreciated this. We need MORE PASTORS to do this!
- We will read about the history of Memorial Day here.
- I have printed out this numbered flag and the children will paint it today (make sure you click on the flag image and save it to your computer, THEN print.)
- My children and some neighbor friends have a patriotic lemonade stand planned today... we will hang the paintings at our stand and my daughter said anyone who has served in the military gets free lemonade. (I love her sweet spirit.)
- Last night we got out our patriotic songbook and I went through several songs with my children... we love to sing while mom plays the piano!
I'm thankful today for my brother, a soon-to-be captain in the Navy and Naval Chaplain who has served our country for the past 20 years. He has served two tours in Iraq in a shock and trauma unit and also served President George Bush (43) at Camp David. This service came at NO SMALL PRICE to himself and his family.
I want to impress upon our children that (as cliche as it sounds) our freedom IS NOT FREE.

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