Five Minute Friday - On Forgetting

I love this Friday link up at The Gypsy Mama. Her rules are simple:
1. Write for 5 minutes flat without editing your voice.
2. Link back and invite others to join in.
3. Pony up the comment love for the five minuter who linked up before you.
2. Link back and invite others to join in.
3. Pony up the comment love for the five minuter who linked up before you.
Yesterday we kept a sweet three year old at our house for a few hours. While he was here I found myself REMEMBERING some of the wonderful times when my children were babies and toddlers. I love it that this little guy jogged my memory...
As he played with the same jack-in-the-box my children played with I could actually hear their giggles and see their smiles from several years ago. As he zoomed the cars on the rug I remembered the obsession my son had with his cars and the fun we had collecting them. As we all layed on the bed pretending to "take a nap", I can remember sweet times like that with my daughter when she was outgrowing her naps.
I write on my blog so I can remember. I take pictures so I can remember. I don't want to forget any of these moments because, as cliche as it sounds - THEY GROW UP SO FAST.
In a few years I'll look back and remember these years fondly, too ~ the way my children snuggle up with each other during thunderstorms, and the way they ask for "tickle treatments" before bed each night.
I don't ever want to forget.
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