Highlights From The Week - With Lots of Links!

Another week is gone, and I love sitting down on Fridays to look back on what we have accomplished. No "formal" school took place Monday and Tuesday, and we eased back into our routine the rest of the week. Here are just a few highlights, and I've tried to include links and ideas that might help other homeschool moms reading this post!
Gardening: We planted part of our garden Thursday - just the zucchini, peppers and Marigolds. It will get finished this weekend once we have more soil and a little more time, too.
We started this Trellis & The Seed Lapbook from Homeschool Share. We love ANYTHING with the Magic School Bus, and this uses of their books, as well as other books about seeds! Next week we begin our Tops unit about seeds, so we will continue to build on this week's knowledge.
After planting for a few hours, I told my daughter, "I sure hope this stuff grows." She replied, "Even if it doesn't I don't care - because I had fun with you today." There you go. This is why I homeschool.
Reading: Our new read-aloud for Easter is Amon's Adventure - we sit each evening and read a chapter. The book takes a journey through Lent, culminating on Easter Sunday. I have heard the book is a staple.
We also read Dark Day in The Deep Sea (Magic Treehouse) to wrap up our shell study from the past two weeks. We own almost every Magic Treehouse book now, and I have to say both of my children have LOVED them. No matter what subject we talk about, they can reference a Magic Treehouse book.
A New Chore System: We have found a FABULOUS site, called My Job Chart. I will let you visit the site and see for yourself, but basically it is an online checklist of jobs for your children - they interact with the site to keep track of points and they can use points to earn rewards you put in place. My husband has been handling this. The kids LOVE using it, and they love the fact that once they check off their jobs they can send my husband or I a message. Mornings have been smoother - jobs get done right after breakfast and then a check-in at the computer. Evenings consist of more jobs, and a final check-in before bed. Brilliant. I want to hug whoever developed this site!
A Little Time for Mom: With spring break last week and a more relaxed week this week, I've been cultivating a few of my own interests. I finally got to participate in the Yarn Along blog hop -- check out my post! I was so inspired seeing other people's knitting, and also got some wonderful book ideas as well. This afternoon I've also had the entire afternoon to myself (a sweet friend of mine has both kids playing at her house) ~ I came home and made banana bread in the bread machine, straightened and dusted (a little), knit, and now I'm catching up on my blog. I am so blessed to have good homeschool mom friends who know when someone just needs a breather!
*Today, I'm linking up with Jen @ Forever, For Always, No Matter What. I enjoy reading Jen's blog - she is an inspiration to me. She's also part of the Five in a Row Blog Roll, which I am a part of as well. You know how much I love Five in a Row, and now you can see other bloggers that do, too!

Of course I'm also linking up with Kris for the Weekly Wrap-Up, too!
How was your week? I hope the links I gave were helpful ~ let me know if you try anything and how it works out!
Reader Comments (9)
I wanted to read Amon with Brynne but our library didn't have it. Since I do a "free" homeschool, with library use primarily, I decided against it.
What a sweet and lovely week you have had!
Thanks for sharing all the GREAT links! I might just try out that My Job Chart! And thanks for stopping by my blog! I don't recognize that name...and I couldn't find it at Mapquest.
Thanks for joining the FIAR blog roll! I'm looking forward to reading about the books you row :)
Many Blessings, Tamara
Amen! on the homeschool friends. They are so a part of my livelihood!
I kind of had the same gardening experience. Two of mine planted their seeds and I mentioned that I sure hope they grow. They were just delighted to take part in the activity with Mom.
Thanks for stopping by. Have a blessed weekend!
My kids love the Magic Treehouse series too. They enjoy listening to the audio version. I will check out the chore site, I had a melt down over chores today :) I will be anxious to see how your garden progresses, it's too cold to get much started here - we are so ready for some warm weather! Thanks for linking up this week, I always enjoy reading about your family. Have a great weekend!
Looks like you hada great week :)
Your week sounds lovely! The comment your dd made is priceless ; ). The fact that you made time for you speaks to me! I've been missing time to work on my own projects. And knitting has been one of them! Have a blessed week-end!
thanks for the link ups...just what I need to get inspired for summer learning! Love Homeschool Share...going right now to check out the chore site!