Science Sunday - Bill Nye The Science Guy Videos for FREE!

Science the past week has consisted of planting, flowers, seeds - you get the picture! We planted in our garden and also in pots on the deck. We planted two pots of Marigolds for on our deck... we are curious whether these will bloom before the Marigolds in our garden. What's your HYPOTHESIS?
Here's a great resource we have been using -- free Bill Nye the Science Guy videos! Follow this link to VEEHD, where you can watch free of charge. It took a few minutes to load a plug-in on my Mac, but it is worth the wait. ITunes also has Bill Nye's episodes available (f0r $1.99 each), but I think FREE is better, don't you?

Reader Comments (9)
It's all going to depend on which gets watered more often, but I'd lean towards the ones in the garden all things being equal.
Ooo, I am thinking the pots as the soil will get warm sooner (less to warm) unless they are in a shady spot.
Bill Nye - that brings back memories of 6th grade! LOL. My kids have seen a few and think he's funny.
Thanks for sharing this! I know we'll be taking advantage of this one!
Thank you! We love Bill Nye...I have 3 of his videos here from the library right now. I love that we can watch them free b/c there are some I want to use but our library doesn't have...awesome!
I love Bill Nye. I saw him at a couple of National Science Teachers Conventions. At my very 1st convention I saw this amazing long, long line of mostly high school science teachers. I had no idea why they were in line. Then I found out they were in line to meet "Bill" and get autographed copies of his book. I knew he was popular with elementary and middle school teachers. I had no idea that high school teachers were passionate about him!
Love your ideas! Have a great week.
Marcia :)
I don't know why but I'm voting for the marigolds in the pot. Love your blog! Thanks for following my at
I Love Bill! My 1st son watched him all the time! Thanks for sharing Mary!
Free is good, but my boys would love being able to watch Bill Nye on the ipad! Thank you for sharing- I had not see those.
I don't have vote, but I love marigolds- no matter when they bloom, they will be pretty.
Thanks for the link for free Bill Nye videos!