Multitude Monday #381-400

Once again I'm linking up with A Holy Experience to blog about the many things for which I am thankful.... I hope you go to the site to see the many blessings it has to offer!
381. being able to choose my favorite music to download, thanks to an ITunes gift card from my sister!
382. the music of John Williams
383. a quiet evening alone with my son
384. My son saying to me (as we're taking the dog for a walk), "Mommy, isn't that moon beautiful?"
385. finally.... a good family picture!
386. canned pumpkin (and the Libby's recipe on the back for pumpkin pie!)
387. being able to spend time with family I haven't seen in a long time
388. My dad - Happy 80th birthday!
389. a very wise friend who always makes me happy when I see her
390. my daughter's Sunday School teachers.... and their creativity with Bible lessons
391. leaf piles, and my children working together to build a huge one this afternoon
392. jellied cranberry sauce
393. people who forgive easily and don't hold grudges - it's rare to find someone like this
394. a pack of marbles given to my son this week by a special lady
395. wisdom gained from listening to older family members
396. my daughter's "best friend" - her dog, Gizmo
397. people who give without expecting to "get"
398. singing old fashioned church hymns
399. symphony orchestras
400. the unconditional love my husband shows to his family - I want to be more like him.

Reader Comments (1)
Mary, I always love reading your Multitude lists....and I love Grant's comments. He sounds like a true joy and a blessing. Thank you...for blessing us with your blog.