Valentine's Day Project for Kids






Welcome! My name is Mary. I help parents educate their children at home one day at a time. This site offers LEGO printablesfree music lessonsunit studies,  and much more. Use the tabs above to discover what Homegrown Learners has to offer. You will be equipped and encouraged to travel a most amazing path in your home!

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My Music Appreciation Curriculum



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Entries in Zeezok Publishing (1)


Music Appreciation in the Homeschool with Zeezok Publishing


Music Appreciation From Zeezok

 Music appreciation is kind of "our thing". Being a degreed musician and former elementary music teacher leads me to choose music materials for our homeschool quite carefully. I look for quality music, the opportunity to learn about composers, and a "unit study" approach to music appreciation. 

I know, however, that a music appreciation course needs to be easy for the non musical parent. 

Enter Zeezok Publishing and their new music appreciation curriculum.

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