Valentine's Day Project for Kids






Welcome! My name is Mary. I help parents educate their children at home one day at a time. This site offers LEGO printablesfree music lessonsunit studies,  and much more. Use the tabs above to discover what Homegrown Learners has to offer. You will be equipped and encouraged to travel a most amazing path in your home!

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Entries in routines (2)


Our Homeschool Routine - More Than Checking Off The Boxes


For our family, a routine is key to a successful homeschool experience.

Children long to know "what comes next". They want to know their teacher (that's you, mom!) has it all under control.

I know on many days this might seem next to impossible, but with a few up front investments and training of your children, your homeschool can run somewhat efficiently, even on those days when life isn't so efficient.

Know what I mean?

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Give Your Homeschool Day the Right Start


Giving your children a predictable, happy, and faith-filled start to the day can make such a huge difference in everyone's life. 

Do you struggle with a good start to your homeschool day?

On days when we get a good start our day usually turns out well. The days where I have not been diligent about our morning routine, or slept in late myself, do not usually progress as well.

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