We are Turning Into....

I don't think we're 100% unschoolers... we still are very structed for things like grammar, writing, and math -- but we're much closer than I ever thought we would be!
The most retention comes from those times when my children take the lead, or when it is some unplanned family educational experience.
The week between Christmas and New Year's we had the chance to stay at a beautiful home in the mountains of North Carolina.
After inquiring about educational opportunities, we discovered Carl Sandburg's home in Flat Rock, NC. Lo and behold, it is also a Junior Ranger site (Remember how much we loved becoming Junior Rangers? - We did it twice on our recent trip to California)!
The morning of our trip to Sandburg's home, my sister-in-law and I were researching Sandburg and talking to the children about him. I love it that our extended family can get involved in homeschooling, too.
This week we are also reading along Sandburg's Rootabaga Stories for children. They are different than anything else we have read. I found them as a free download and we have been enjoying a few each day. With titles like The Potato Face Blind Man Who Lost the Diamond Rabbit on His Gold Accordion and How Henry Hagglyhoagly Played the Guitar with His Mittens On, you can imagine they are pretty silly and off the beaten path. There is something about them, though, that keeps my children asking for more.
The children have started a poetry notebook and I made this handy poetic devices reference minibook (thanks, Jimmie!) to go through with them as we read. (Sandburg is packed with allitteration, personification, and simile!) They have copied "Fog" and completed a biography notebooking page about Carl Sandburg. I'm hoping we can add other poets to this notebook this semester.
I hadn't planned on any of this, and had I been sticking tight to a curriculum/schedule I doubt this learning would have happened.
Once we got home, my husband found a National Geographic movie about the Appalachian Trail (part of which runs through NC), and today GMan chose a book about Appalachia from the library. North Carolina is also our state to study this week. This little junket to North Carolina just keeps going and going..... I LOVE IT!
Linking up with Amy, at Hope is The Word.