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Entries in gratitude (38)


Multitude Monday #341-360

I am linking up with A Holy Experience today to blog about what blessings I have in my life. Today I am so thankful for a trip my family and I took to the mountains this past weekend. My husband gave me this for my birthday, and I think it was one of the best birthdays on record! It was a time to recharge, relax, and think about what is REALLY important to me.

I am thankful for...

341. The Appalachian Mountains
342. making memories

343. roasted marshmallows

344. hot cocoa
345. apple orchards
346. the first snow of the season

347. hot tubs (even though it was pretty cold getting in and out!)
348. ping pong!
349. a beautiful hike with my husband and children
350. books on CD which kept my kids entertained there and back (Thank you, Magic Tree House!)
351. a great pet sitter
352. peaceful mountain streams

353. waterfalls
354. a flexible homeschooling schedule
355. giggling children falling asleep in a warm bed
356. gas fireplaces
357. Daylight Savings Time
358. laying in bed and not hearing a THING!
359. my husband of 13 years - he knows me so well and knows just what I need

360. being away, but coming home again, too

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Multitude Monday #321-340

It has been another week of blessings, and I find myself sitting down to write this on Sunday night instead of Monday because I am bursting with things to be thankful for. I am linking up to A Holy Experience to share my gratitude journey. Please visit their site - you will be a repeat guest once you see what they have to offer.

321. Halloween candy!
322. A church home for my family
323. Fall scented Yankee Candles
324. a husband who carves pumpkins and walks trick or treaters around the neighborhood
325. the sale of my parent's home - now they can move into the community they have been looking at for some time
326. having a large part of my family at my home for Thanksgiving
327. Baseball - go Rangers!
328. the right to vote and the ability to share that experience with my children on Tuesday
329. Mummy Dogs!
330. NO alarm clocks tomorrow morning
331. Facebook. I know a lot of people are critical of it, but I love the chance to keep up with friends, share ideas, and stay connected to family.
332. kids that love to play and learn together:

333. a chance to go to the mountains and relax this weekend - I can't wait!
334. the peace that comes from "letting things go"
335. a long chat with my father-in-law this evening
336. Mad Men - I love that show!!
337. many happy Halloween memories - here's my cute little pumpkin, age 2:

338. NOT watching the news for the past several months
339. walks with friends
340. mornings when my husband brings my coffee upstairs before he goes to work

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Multitude Monday #301-320

Multitude Monday #301-320

Today was truly a long and tiring day - it was a GOOD day, don't get me wrong - just tiring! Once the kids were in bed and I had a chat with a good friend on the phone the last thing I felt like doing was writing a blog post. Somehow, however, I just couldn't not write a Multitude Monday post. I have grown so fond of writing them and of being thankful. So, with just an hour and half left in this Monday, I will share what I am thankful for! This post is also linked up to other Multitude Monday bloggers - so head over to A Holy Experience to see what others are thankful for!

301. My husband's car - because it has an mp3 jack and mine doesn't - this way I can listen to my favorite music in style!
302. balloons on a rainy day; they provided a lot of entertainment for my five year old today
303. Nutter Butters
304. an awesome trip to a local planetarium and science center this weekend

305. my children's unending sense of curiosity and wonder - my husband was blown away when he went with us on Saturday to the planetarium!
306. a win for the Texas Rangers
307. a loss for the NY Yankees!
308. my daughter's piano teacher
309. a low heating/air bill this month
310. firemen
311. a fabulous lunch at an authentic Mexican restaurant -- check out the mural depicting the cliff divers in Acapulco - we learned so much going to this restaurant!

312. God presenting so many ways for me to connect with my daughter over the past week - I have been thanking God each day for this!
313. NOT having to get on the schoolbus on a cold and rainy morning
314. Halloween candy
315. a church community that welcomed us with open arms this past Sunday
316. some hard decisions of the past few months seem to be behind us
317. homeschool moms that go out of their way to help other homeschool moms!
318. The Muppets!
319. my son's tball coach
320. tickle fights

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