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Entries in gratitude (38)


Multitude Monday #141-160

holy experience

It's the beginning of another week - and I welcome the opportunity to start it by counting some more of the things I am thankful for. Here goes #141-160:

141. Bleach - love that clean smell after I use it throughout the house!
142. rocking chairs
143. comfy, smushy pillows
144. unexpected catnaps
145. Diet Coke!
146. a quiet evening home alone
147. a quiet evening out with my husband
148. old friends
149. baseball games
150. a daughter who will hopefully always be there for me

151. friends in my life who have adopted and are getting ready to adopt - what a blessing to know and share in their stories!
152. Sushi
153. a good bottle of Riesling
154. Crayola crayons
155. brand new white socks
156. bright flowers

157. expecting the worst, but getting the best
158. the blessing of new friends
159. joke books
160. toothless children

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Multitutde Monday #121-140

holy experience

I've just finished the book "Growing Grateful Kids" and I would recommend the book for all parents to read. One of the most important things I learned from the book was that you cannot impart/teach what you yourself do not possess. If you don't have a spirit of gratefulness, how can you expect your children to have one?

Some days it isn't easy to find things to be grateful for, but I think if we keep our eyes fixed above it is quite easy. So, here's this week's list of what I am thankful for:

121. summer thunderstorms
122. children cuddled in my bed during a thunderstorm
123. new friends
124. old friends
125. the way my family pulls together in times of difficulty
126. puppet shows
127. this new piece of music a piano student just gave me - I'm in love with it:

128. Starbucks coffe - I don't get it that often, but I love it when I do!
129. a good massage
130. a new haircut
131. a creative spirit that allows us to try new and fun things in our homeschool
132. animals that we see and stop to investigate

133. Netflix
134. Looney Tunes

135. children's laughter
136. Sunday afternoon naps
137. baseball games
138. hot tea with honey
139. swimming pools
140. bookshelves

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Multitude Monday #101-120

holy experience

Seems like I have a lot to be thankful for over the past week - I am constantly amazed at how God knows just what you need and when you need it! I am grateful for...

101. the ability to resist temptation
102. ceiling fans (it's almost 100 degrees here!)
103. The Atlanta Braves
104. a son and daughter that genuinely enjoy each other's company

105. Silly Bandz
106. Broadway musicals
107. little girls giggling and playing
108. my husband's job
109. patience
110. a new faith opportunity this week
111. mentor moms
112. God's promises - new each morning
113. hot popcorn
114. a good movie on a rainy afternoon
115. hot pink nail polish
116. the song "Ordinary Miracle"

117. knock-knock jokes (even ones that don't make sense, told by a silly five year old)
118. the Tooth Fairy
119. my ability to play the piano - always makes me happy
120. lazy afternoons with not much to do

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