Valentine's Day Project for Kids






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Entries in downloads (10)


Music For Halloween: FREE SQUILT Download


Music for Halloween: Free SQUILT Download


I have a FREE SQUILT lesson for you! 

This Toccata & Fuge in D minor was written by JS Bach for the pipe organ. It is perfect to use during the Halloween season -- or during ANY time for that matter.

JS Bach is a composer all children should learn about, and this piece is probably the one that engages children immediately. 

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LEGO Minifig Summer Fun Writing Prompts - Free Download


Free LEGO Minifig Writing Prompt Download - Summer Fun

It's been too long since I've offered a free LEGO Minifig writing prompt download!

As my son has been happily absorbed in his LEGO bricks again this week, I was motivated to give him some writing prompts for summer. 

Because let's face it: Sometimes our children need motivation to write, and anything LEGO seems to motivate a lot of kids I know! 

This download contains 10 summer writing prompts and also a grammar rule (a learning "take away" if you will) that is impotant for children to master. Each prompt is followed by lined paper, and the end of the download includes a page of minifigs to cut and clor. 

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Free SQUILT Download - Dvorak Serenade for Strings


It's time for another free SQUILT download. 

The Romantic Era was full of beautiful, lush music. As we listened to Romantic Music in Classical Conversations last week, I told the children it's "kissy kissy" music. This era was all about the expression of intense emotions. 

Many of the stories about the composers of this era are dramatic and exciting, too. Truth be told, this is probably my favorite time period of music.

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