Valentine's Day Project for Kids






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Entries in composer study (9)


Happy Birthday Tchaikovsky (Free Unit Study & A Giveaway)


On May 7, we celebrate Tchaikovsky's birthday. 

I've found a great way to study composers is to focus on just one each month. Why not study Tchaikovsky in May? 

While most famous for composing The Nutcracker, Tchaikovsky wrote so many works that children (and adults!) will love and should know about.

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Listening to Vivaldi's Spring (SQUILT Lesson #8)


It's time to add to the collection of SQUILT lessons

Lesson #8 focuses on that most famous piece of music - Spring, from The Four Seasons, by Antonio Vivaldi.

If you are new to SQUILT, you can read about it and view more free lessons. These lessons are designed to expose your children to the great musical classics.  There is NO WORK required from you, the parent. I have done the legwork for you. Just follow along with the lesson and you will be fine!

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J.S. Bach - Resources for a Composer Study (with a Giveaway!)


March is the perfect time for a composer study!  

This composer is near and dear to my heart.  He is a German Lutheran (just like me) who had an obsession with all things music.  He also wrote his music for the glory of God.  

J.S. Bach was born March 31, 1685.   (Did you know Handel was born in the same year?)  

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