Valentine's Day Project for Kids






Welcome! My name is Mary. I help parents educate their children at home one day at a time. This site offers LEGO printablesfree music lessonsunit studies,  and much more. Use the tabs above to discover what Homegrown Learners has to offer. You will be equipped and encouraged to travel a most amazing path in your home!

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Entries in collage friday (125)


LEGO Learning (Among Other Things) - Collage Friday


Where did the week go?   This was a week where we accomplished all of our academics, and then some.   It was a week where we were home each day and could focus on some deeper learning.   It was a week where I was THANKFUL to be homeschooling my children and THANKFUL to have this chance to witness their learning each day.  

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Collage Friday - Chicken Pox!

Sometimes things do NOT go as planned.

This week definitely did not turn out the way I thought it would.   It all started Sunday evening with my son having a fever of 104.   He was miserable and I was worried.    

By Tuesday morning I took him to the doctor and the diagnosis was tonsilitis.  He was put on antibiotics and I thought all would be well.    That, however, was not the end.    

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Collage Friday - Mostly Math


Today's Collage Friday has a math emphasis (among other things). Our math times have been much more enjoyable this year, and I wanted to take a chance to share that with you.

We thought and researched very carefully about math instruction this year; resulting in a "math epiphany" of sorts.

For my children, a rigorous, no frills approach to math works best.  Our spine needed to be demanding and very structured.  Math is one of our "non negotialbes" (read more about a day in our homeschool) that is completed first thing each morning.

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