Valentine's Day Project for Kids






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Entries in family (5)


Valentines and Silly Homeschool Fears


Valentine's Day has gotten me thinking... actually quite deeply about some truths in my own life.  

In the past month I have had three people contact me about homeschooling.  They want to know how to get started, all about the support groups and the academics, and how I manage to have time to myself.

Inevitably they also ask me if my kids miss out on "socializing" and things like class parties.   

I answer as sweetly as I can; it seems like a lifetime ago that I had those EXACT SAME CONCERNS.  

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Growing Turkeys ~ A Story of a Memory

 Thanksgiving made me stop and consider some important family relationships.    

My husband's father is very dear to me.   He lives just a few miles away and takes such an interest in my children and I.   

He was born during The Great Depression, raised in rural Alabama, eventually married and then did quite well for himself.  

He was brought up in a time when family lived near each other.  They CARED about and for each other.    

I imagine on holidays like Thanksgiving they probably enjoyed a good meal and then everyone rocked and talked.   I can see it now.  I wish I could have lived during that time.

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