Valentine's Day Project for Kids






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Valentines and Silly Homeschool Fears


Valentine's Day has gotten me thinking... actually quite deeply about some truths in my own life.  

In the past month I have had three people contact me about homeschooling.  They want to know how to get started, all about the support groups and the academics, and how I manage to have time to myself.

Inevitably they also ask me if my kids miss out on "socializing" and things like class parties.   

I answer as sweetly as I can; it seems like a lifetime ago that I had those EXACT SAME CONCERNS.  

I remember taking Anna out of public school nearly four years ago. 

One of my fears was that she would miss things like an Easter Egg Hunt, Christmas party, and exchanging Valentines with her friends.   

Hind sight being 20/20, I know how silly that thinking was, but back then it was REAL and I feltI  might actually be depriving her of something big.  

{I can hear you laughing.  Go ahead, I deserve it.}

The mom I was nearly four years ago knew a lot less about risk taking and overcoming her fears than then mom I am today.


I've learned the following things about those silly fears:


Adults worry more about the school "traditions" much more than children do.

That first year out of school my daughter didn't even miss a Valentine party.   We went to visit grandparents over Valentine's Day and had such a nice time.   She thought it was such a treat to be spending that special day with her Grandma and Grandpa (and Grandma made the kids Valentine boxes!).


Having the courage to step outside the box is  often extremely rewarding.

Homeschooling has taught me that once our family took that leap of faith outside of the traditional educational box, the rest was easy.   In fact, now we LIKE being different and not conforming to what everyone else is doing or expects us to do.    


Homeschooled children often have MORE chances for special events and memory making activities.

This year we will celebrate Valentine's Day at our co-op.   The kids made Valentines for all of their friends. Anna (now a sixth grader) made rolled fabric flowers, cards, and treat bags of candy for her friends.   There will be an emphasis on love and kindness tomorrow in our group and my children will make meaningful connections.   

We will also have time to come home and have a special family Valentine party (courtesy of my friend, Melissa) with no homework or school deadlines looming over us.

And by the way - we learned the REAL meaning of Valentine's Day and read some good books about it.

It's all about what you know.

Since my youngest has never been to school he doesn't know about all of these silly public school traditions.   Last year a woman stopped us in Target and asked us if we were on Spring Break.    Grant looked at her and said, "What's Spring Break?"    

I had to laugh out loud.   Why would he know?   We never "break" from learning and we don't have formal vacations from school.   That whole idea to him is quite foreign (as is a Valentine's party, I suppose).

Children learn so very much when they see us overcome "silly" fears.

I know my daughter has learned to more of an individual and take more chances because she has witnessed her dad and I completely change our lifestyle.


  • We took our children out of public school.   {I was a public school teacher, for goodness sake.}
  • We rarely watch mainstream media and don't take part in pop culture.
  • We lost some friends because they thought we had just gone a little nuts when we decided to homeschool. 


All of those decisions have led us to where we are today - a healthier, happier, and closer family.   


If you're contemplating homeschool and have these fears, I UNDERSTAND.  Really, I do.    I know, however, you can overcome them.

If you are a veteran homeschooler I wish I would have had the wisdom sooner to take the leap.

If you're somewhere in the middle like me, then I know you're enjoying this journey of self discovery just like I am.  


Oh, and Happy Valentine's Day! 






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