Valentine's Day Project for Kids






Welcome! My name is Mary. I help parents educate their children at home one day at a time. This site offers LEGO printablesfree music lessonsunit studies,  and much more. Use the tabs above to discover what Homegrown Learners has to offer. You will be equipped and encouraged to travel a most amazing path in your home!

Explore Science, Technology, Engineering, Math!









My Music Appreciation Curriculum



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Humility and Homeschooling


Sometimes I tackle topics that get me into trouble. 

This could be one of them.


 "a modest or low view of one's importance"

I think it is particularly easy for homeschooling moms to place a high value on their importance, don't you? 

It is also easy for homeschooling moms to fall into the trap of BRAGGING about their children's accomplishments - which really translates back to pats on the back for mom.

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Pay it Forward - A Podcast



One of the great joys of blogging has been the friendships I have made with other homeschool mom bloggers.

Last summer I spent three days at a lovely little bed and breakfast in Tennessee with several blogging friends. 

I got to know and love Pam, from Ed Snapshots. When Pam asked to interview me for her new podcast I was thrilled.  

You have to love the tag line for Pam's podcast:

"The podcast that gives you a peek into the lives of the homeschoolers next door"

What I love about Pam's podcasts is that they are short (just 30 minutes - enough time to walk on the treadmill or fold a few loads of laundry while listening) and packed with information. 

Pam and I chatted about what my homeschool is like, my homeschool philosophy, and paying it forward.

I hope you get a chance to listen



Our "Classically Eclectic" Homeschool Week


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The longer we home educate our children in the Classical style, the more convinced I am THIS is the style that works for our family.

In my heart, however, I am a highly creative person that loves to have time and freedom to explore new things. I love to "seize the moment" and take interest led tangents in our homeschool. 

I have one child who is much like me, and another who is very engineer minded. 

I desire to give my children a rich, Classical education, but I also desire to instill in them the need to CREATE, follow their passions, and pursue different interests. 

How then do I reconcile those desires - the Classical desire and the Eclectic desire?

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