Valentine's Day Project for Kids






Welcome! My name is Mary. I help parents educate their children at home one day at a time. This site offers LEGO printablesfree music lessonsunit studies,  and much more. Use the tabs above to discover what Homegrown Learners has to offer. You will be equipped and encouraged to travel a most amazing path in your home!

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Notebooking, Map Tracing, Meal Planning (& More!): Deals for Homeschoolers

I DETEST Black Friday shopping.

I would rather walk over hot coals than step foot into a store the day after Thanksgiving. 

I do, however, like to grab deals ONLINE from the comfort of my own home.

There are a select few resources we use and LOVE In our homeschool. 

If you are interested in quality notebooking pages, downloadable maps, menu planning, online craft classes, and a few other goodies, I have detail in this post.

Remember -- LESS IS MORE. 

Choose a few resources you love, buy them ON SALE, and enjoy for the rest of the year! 


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Simple Dice: Classical Conversations Memory Work Review Game



'Tis the season for reviewing the first semester of Foundations memory work. 

I don't prepare many elaborate review games. (If you've been reading here any amount of time you know we keep it simple with CC and believe the memory work is enough!) I also have a Challenge student, which takes up a big chunk of my time, so I like SIMPLE and EASY! 

Last year I would feel guilty about our lack of review games, but I've stopped being so hard on myself. And you know what? My son is doing JUST FINE and likes his review routine.

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A Flexible Homeschool Schedule


This week has been one of those weeks where I have to check multiple times a day to see what day it actually IS. 

Between our trip to SW Florida and my husband being in and out with traveling for work, the schedule was pretty much thrown out the window. 

And that's OK.

I remember when we first started homeschooling. I would wake the kids bright and early, school the requisite SIX HOURS and try to stick to the public school schedule as much as possible. Why?

I have NO CLUE! Maybe I was afraid of what people would think, afraid my kids wouldn't really LEARN if we didn't follow that same schedule I'd followed my entire life, and afraid our homeschool would be a failure.


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