Faces of American History

This week was the culmination of MUCH hard work in our homeschool.
Our Classical Conversations community Essentials classes presented their annual Faces of History program.
28 children, ranging in age from 4th-6th grade, presented papers about a famous person in American history. Most of these presentations were done in the first person, and utilized the skills our children have been practicing this year using the IEW curriculum.
To say I was IMPRESSED is an understatement. Most of all, I was blown away by the enthusiasm, drive, and great courage shown by these children.
We are raising future Godly leaders, and I couldn't be more proud of them.
Each week, the 14 children in Grant's Essentials class gather for a little more than two hours.
They spend one hour on INTENSIVE English grammar, another hour learning about writing (using the IEW curriculum), and a little time playing math games.
For Faces of History, each child wrote a 5 paragraph paper, which showcased all of the skills they have been learning this year.
We heard presentations from Clara Barton, Daniel Boone, Francis Marion, Helen Keller, and many other famous figures from American history.
I love that history came ALIVE for our students, and I love the enthusiasm and pride shown by these children. It's a blessing to take such an active part in my child's education!
Oh, and in case you were wondering, Ronald Reagan made a posthumous appearance in our small Georgia town this week - I think he did a great job! See for yourself! (wink)
I hope this can encourage those of you with children going into Essentials that the hard work does indeed PAY OFF! The writing, creativity, and presentation skills just make me so happy.
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