The Best of Homegrown Learners - 2014

What do you, the readers, enjoy reading about the most?
Just as my children changed during 2014, so did our homeschool. With the change to Classical Conversations came new readers. I've come to know so many of you through this change and I am thankful!
Some of you have been reading for the past five years. Some of you are here because you've just needed encouragement and a few helpful tips.
Whatever your reasons for reading, I am grateful for each and every one of you!
Back in 2013, my prayer was for God to let this blog be used for HIS glory. That prayer was answered tremendously. Yes, this blog is about homeschooling and growing your own learners at home - one day at a time. But, on a deeper level, this blog is about God's faithfulness in all of our lives, and how if we obey the call to homeschool our children we will reap untold blessings.
It may not always be the easiest job, but God is often most evident in our struggles.
Surely I am getting old and sentimental?
Top Posts from 2014
Map Tracing, Chores, Classical Conversations, Operation Christmas Child, and a few other posts made the top ten short list for last year. As always, it's fun to read through posts from the past year.
Following is the top ten countdown of 2014. Brew a cup of coffee or tea (or maybe get out your box of chocolates!) and settle in for some homeschool reading. Enjoy, and best of homeschooling to you in 2015!
*This post contains affiliate links.
10. Our Typical Homeschool Day - Scheduling Classical Conversations
I can say with 100% certainty that we are a Classical homeschooling family. Learning how to schedule our day in Classical Conversations has taken some time and effort. I think we've hit upon a schedule that works well for all of us!
9. The Story I Can Finally Tell
Operation Christmas Child has blessed our lives in untold ways. I never could have imagined the work God would do in our family through my distribution trip to Ecuador. We are forever changed. Our hearts, attitudes, and priorities have been altered.
This story is one that I hope you have time to read.
I LOVE IT that TWO Operation Christmas Child posts made it into the top 10 this year!
8. Having the Courage to Be Different: No Fear Homeschooling
This post came straight from my gut and expresses my deep conviction that you CAN homeschool your children!
"Your children are so much more important than your pride, your free time, or what your friends and relatives think. They are more important than a second income (and by the way, I figured out a way to work at home when we started homeschooling), fancy cars, a big mortgage, or a yearly vacation to the beach. They are more important than cultivating your own personal hobbies or having ME TIME."
7. Deepen Your Homeschool Through Simplification
2014 was a much more simple year for our homeschool. We used LESS RESOURCES and accomplished MUCH MORE. Simplifying goes right along with the Classical method.
This post details HOW I simplified and why we keep everything on ONE BOOKSHELF now.
6. Creating a Geography Table in Your Homeschool
This little post, which contains a YouTube video detailing how I made the table, struck quite a chord with people. I loved getting emails from you telling me about your own geography tables!
You might enjoy seeing how we've made geography a focus in our homeschool over the past year!
5. 20 Items to Pack in Operation Christmas Child Boxes
After delivering boxes and working two years in the processing center, I'm getting a good idea of what to put in OCC Shoeboxes. This list was shared many, many times. What a blessing!
It is my prayer that MORE boxes will be packed because of this blog!
4. A Chore System that Finally Works
This little gem came from my husband. It is our simple method of helping and rewarding our children with their chores. It also includes a free printable chart.
3. Our History Notebook - Classical Conversations Cycle 3
My son ADORES notebooking, and we have created a history notebook for Cycle 3. This includes notebooking pages and also a free, downloadable reading list. I love it that this post also highlights our all time favorite notebooking resource, Notebooking Pages.
2. 15 Ways to Stop Spoiling Your Kids
This one was a tad controversial, but I firmly believe in all 15 of these. What do YOU think?
and the #1 post from Homegrown Learners in 2014....
1. Map Tracing Tips and Tricks
Wow, this one simple idea was hugely popular!
My son is, for lack of a better word, obsessed with tracing maps. We have gone through tracing paper, Sharpies, and many, many maps. And that is FINE with me!
Do you trace maps in your homeschool?
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This post is a part of the iHomeschool Network's top ten most popular posts from 2014. Click the image below to visit other homeschool bloggers!