Our History Notebook: Classical Conversations Cycle 3

The organization for Classical Conversations Cycle 3 continues!
Last week I shared our geography table and notebook with you. Today I'd like to share our history memory work notebook.
I learned so much last year; the biggest lesson was to KEEP IT SIMPLE. The memory work is enough. Make sure the grammar pieces are being memorized and provide a few low stress ways for my child to expand upon the memory work if we have time.
Read TONS of good books.
*This post contains affiliate links.
The best way to show you what we are doing this year is through my YouTube channel. Please take a minute to subscribe to the channel, and check out the Classical Conversations Organization play list.
Supplies For a History Notebook
- 3 ring notebook, with lots of page protectors
- History Highlights (on CC Connected) from user SchoolCorner - a brief synopsis of each week's history memory work.
- Reading List - suggested books to correlate with each week (please note: these are books in my library that we have read in past years... I am sure there are more extensive lists out there, but this is my personal short list. Download the list for weeks 1-12 (weeks 13-24 will be coming soon!)
- Notebooking Pages - Using my treasury membership to Notebooking Pages, I have gone through each week and printed corresponding notebooking pages. I used the search function in Notebooking Pages and found a page for nearly every week of the memory work. The few weeks that did not have a notebooking page, I simply printed blank notebooking pages (which are also in the treasury). I love the creativity and flexibility notebooking nurtures in my children!
Supplemental Resources
In addition to my Foundations guide, we will just use a few resources to supplement the history memory work.
- Classical Acts & Facts History Cards - There is no substitute for these beautiful cards from Classical Conversations. I keep mine in a small 3 ring binder, with each card in its own sheet protector. This is quite an investment, but well worth it in my opinion.
- Kingfisher History Encyclopedia - I want my child to learn how to research on his own. This encyclopedia is full of accurate, beautifully presented information.
- Good Books! (See the downloadable list above)
- Liberty's Kids - an engaging set of history videos from PBS kids. Let's face it: sometimes we just need to know our children are learning and putting in a DVD gives us a break! We've also found that the information in these episodes STICKS!
- America: The Story of Us - a more sophisticated set of videos that is great for older children and parents... you can order the DVD set or watch on Amazon Prime.
Of course, I'm always on the lookout for resources -- I'm pinning just a few good ones I find. Are you following me on Pinterest?
Follow CC Cycle 3 on Pinterest.
I hope the additional YouTube video proves helpful for you. Please remember: this is simply my way of approaching the memory work. It is not the RIGHT way. I am one mom doing what works best for her child.
This plan is not a substitute for participating in the weekly community meetings at Classical Conversations and following the Foundations Guide.
Tell me your approach to the history memory work. I love that, as CC parents, we can all learn from each other.
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