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A Father Is...


What is a father?

Quite simply, a father is defined as "a male parent"

A father, however, is so much more than that. 

The man I married nearly 17 years ago is the best father I know.

I believe it that with everything I am.

My husband's journey as a father began 13 years ago. I am fairly certain he did not know the many surprises, challenges, and joys that being a father would bring.  

I've learned so many lessons from my own dad, and the longer I am married to my husband, the more I learn from him, too. What a blessing it is that I have a wonderful father, and my children do, also. 

As I look at my husband through my children's eyes, I see what a father REALLY is. 

A father is a protector.

No matter what our family is going through - good or bad - we know our father loves and supports us.

A father is there through difficult pregnancies, postpartum depression, sick children, and all of life's disappointments. 

He carries the weight of the world on his shoulders as the sole provider for his family. 

He creates a safe haven for his family - a place we all feel loved and accepted. 


A father is fun loving.

He plays endless games of Marco Polo with you...  he gets in that water and plays and LOVES it, even when he's had a long week at work and would rather just lay by the pool and rest. 

He plays night time hide and go seek in the house.

He teases your friends when they come over for spend the nights. 

He puts everyone in the car in their pjs late at night and declares "We need Dairy Queen!". 

A father is ever present.

He is always there for you - at each baseball game, piano recital, and choir concert.

He helps teach your Sunday School class, throws the ball with you every night in the yard, and takes you to buy makeup.

{Being the father of a girl and a boy takes special talent!}

He is familiar with every detail of your life, and you know he cares about them deeply.

A father is wise counsel.

He realizes what is truly important in life, imparting his wisdom in quiet, gentle ways.

He's the dad at the baseball field who is your quiet encourager and biggest fan. He tells you not to question the umpires, say "yes, sir" to your coach, and to always be a good sport.

He is the man that prays with you each night and helps you see that things really WILL look better in the morning.

He models a reliance on God that you will one day have, too.


A father leads by example.

He treats others as they would want to be treated, doesn't spend more than he earns, and believes people are more important than things. 

He always treats his wife with love and respect, and lets you know that God is first in his life. 

He does everything he can to help his own father and others in need.

He is everything you want to be when YOU grow up. 


My children are so blessed to call this man their father.  

I hope he knows how much we love him, and what a beautiful legacy he is creating for his children. 



 A poem for our dad:

My Hero

My hero is the quiet type,
No marching bands, no media hype,
But through my eyes it's plain to see,
A hero, God has sent to me.

With gentle strength and quiet pride,
All self-concern is set aside,
To reach out to his fellow man,
And be there with a helping hand.

Heroes are a rarity,
A blessing to humanity.
With all they give and all they do,
I'll bet the thing you never knew,
My hero has always been you.

~ Anonymous


Will you tell me about a dad in your life?   What makes him so special - how will you honor him this Father's Day?  
My prayers also go out to you if you are missing your father this Father's Day.... what a gift a Father is to us, for how little or long we may have them. 

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