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Dreams, History, and LEGOS - Collage Friday

 I've never written a Collage Friday post on a Wednesday. 

This week was SO busy that I just had to plan everything far ahead of time and quite carefully. When mom goes out of town there are certain things that must be done: laundry, school plans, plans for child care, etc...

You see, this week is the fulfillment of a dream for me. Last year at this time I was in the process of writing a music curriculum. I thought maybe I would sell a few volumes.  Mostly, I wanted to spread the joy of beautiful music to the homeschool community. The response to SQUILT has been more than I hoped for. It just proves to me that God can take a small vision and turn it into something wonderful. 

This weekend I am in Greenville, SC for the Great Homeschool Convention. My former college professor, Professor Carol, is carrying my SQUILT curriculum during this convention season! I will be working at her booth and selling my curriculum there, while  soaking up all I can in the Classical Consortium. 

I'm also hoping to LEARN a lot while I'm here - I wrote about that this week in Are You Qualified to Teach Your Own Child? 

I'm very thankful for an extremely supportive husband who is holding down the fort while I am away, and who consistently supports me and gives me time to grow and dream.

It's been a learning curve this past year. As any homeschool mom knows, homeschooling is a full time job. I have now added working on my business to my plate, which I love, but which also takes up huge amounts of time. My kids are at an age where this has all been easier. They are more independent and I can set aside "mom's working" time, which they understand. 

The early part of our week was busy and productive!

Classical Conversations

I am thankful for CC. It holds our weeks together and truly is the spine of our homeschool. 



  • We attended a Faces of History event put on by the Essentials class. I was so impressed with all of the writing and costumes.  I'm so excited for Grant to be in Essentails next year!
  • Supplementing the grammar memory work. Do you know what an APPOSITIVE is?
  • The CC Memory Work App is a lifesaver! I can tell Grant, "Go do your memory work!" and he scurries off with the iPod for 30 minutes to review all of the memory work so far. Golden!
  • Anna finished up Africa this week. Learning all of the African capitals is really quite a task. We played a review game with chocolate chips to make it more fun!


LEGO Learning

LEGOS were front and center this week!


  • Grant and his friend built a LEGO Titanic. That ship is massive. I love LEGOS because they help my guy develop his attention span.
  • Grant is taking a Brick Building and Architecture class online through Bridgeway Academy. He had to turn in assignments this week - math problems with LEGOS and also a blueprint with LEGOS. He is loving this weekly class. It's so cute to watch the kids interact online.
  • Free download on the blog this week - LEGO Pi Skyline.


Short and sweet this week -- check back next week for a convention recap!  


I'm thankful for the chance to come to this place each Friday and read so many encouraging words from all of you, and then visit your blogs and read about your weeks, too. It's my favorite time of the week. 

I hope you'll join me!  

If you'd like to link, you can do so in a couple of ways:

  • Enter your link below. Be sure to link to your post with photo collages and link back to this post (or include the Collage Friday button on your blog).
  • Share your photo collage(s) on Instagram, FB, G+, or Twitter - use the hashtag #collagefriday so I can find you!

Reader Comments (13)

How awesome that your SQUILT will be for sale there! You rock! Enjoy your time away but come back safe! Peace to you.

March 21, 2014 | Unregistered Commentermelissa newell

Amazing creations with the LEGOS! Congratulations on your curriculum and have a blessed weekend at the convention!!! Hope you do well and have a wonderful time!

March 21, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterJen

Thank You for sharing.I am definitely looking into more LEGO time and activities for my almost 8 year old son, Andre.Especially if it helps attention spans :) Hope you have a wonderful time this weekend !! You deserve it :) Blessings ~ Amy

March 21, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterAmy

Fun stuff! Nolan is doing a history fair project on the history of Lego. Love Grant's Titanic - it's awesome!!

March 21, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterMary

That's so cool that your selling your own curriculum at a homeschool convention! How neat is that!

Love the looks of that CC App - I would LOVE something like that for Latin drill.

March 21, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterTonia

Congratulations on the success of SQUILT. I am glad that you are enjoying CC so much and that your kids are getting so much out of it. It is wonderful when school can just click along with a perfect fit. What great LEGO fun, too.

So proud for you - realizing dreams! The Lord is indeed opening up doors and blessing. And what a wonderful CC celebration! Enjoy, enjoy the convention!!

March 21, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterTricia

we haven't done a lego marble maze yet - we'll have to try it!

good luck at the convention this weekend!

March 21, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterStef Layton

Your squilt program is wonderful! I am glad you are growing your dreams.
Blessings, Dawn

March 21, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterDawn

Have fun, learn lots, and be prosperous at the convention!

March 21, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterSylvia

I love how you're using the legos for math. I'm going to try that. Have fun at the convention. Maybe I'll get to one SOMEDAY.

March 21, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterShelly

I'm so glad SQUILT is turning into something bigger than you'd dreamed! Isn't it amazing how God orchestrates things on our behalf? Enjoy the convention.

March 21, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterJoesette

Wow, I love the props for your Faces of History! That is so cool! Me Tee is doing Queen Isabella. The research has prompted quite the discussion on whether or not what was done back then was truly the "right" thing to do. Love your week!

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